Elena Caratti, Laura Galluzzo

Designing ethically in a complex world

Multiple challenges within design for public and social systems

This volume focuses on the ethical challenges of design for public and social systems, attempting to clarify what it means to design ethically in a complex world and how it is possible to do so, within a multifaceted reality in which everything is interconnected and constantly changing.

cod. 10319.28

Salvatore Zingale

Design Meets Alterity

Case Studies, Project Experiences, Communication Criticism

The QUESTION OF ALTERITY has become fundamental to understanding contemporary societies, which are increasingly multicultural, multiethnic and intersectional. Today, it is legitimate to think that the design dimension can also undertake research paths that highlight THE NEED TO RECOGNISE THE OTHER: from migratory flows to gender cultures, from social fragility to mental health, from cultural distances to the difficulties of social integration, etc. This is the direction in which the essays in this volume are heading.

cod. 10313.5

Giulia Gerosa, Andrea Manciaracina


Environmental systems as a combination of interior design, services, communication and technologies

Interior design is less and less reduced to the mere physical component of space and is instead increasingly projected towards an ‘environmental system’ made up of space, services, communication, and technology. The book highlights the close interconnections between the design of spaces, the creation of services, the application of communication systems, and the exploitation of technologies, allowing us to reveal the tensions and interactions that are unleashed depending on the prevalence of one or another design discipline and the scale at which they take place.

cod. 10319.20

Barbara Camocini, Annalisa Dominoni

Engaging Spaces

How to increase social awareness and human wellbeing through experience design

The book presents different perspectives of analysis and new models of experience, reconfirming the importance assigned to the wellbeing and human-centered approach in the contemporary spatial design disciplinary debate. The aim is to explore the transformation process which we are living, both in private and in public spaces, underlining the central role of design to define new qualities of connections to live together in relation with the space around us.

cod. 10319.16

Barbara Camocini, Davide Fassi

In the Neighbourhood.

Spatial Design and Urban Activation

Neighbourhoods of contemporary cities are ‘hypersensitive’ and ‘fragile’ areas where dismantling and transformation processes generate fragmentation and displacement. Reconstruction and re-occupation of urban spaces guided by residents are becoming increasingly frequent in these places. This book presents some reflections on the role of design discipline in this fertile and proactive context, proposing specific research methodologies and intervention strategies in close relation with the resident population, building new skills, creating original synergies, and new processes of inclusion and social innovation.

cod. 319.1