Stefano Azzali, Luca Fornaciari, Tatiana Mazza

Trends in Italian Accounting and Management Research by topical areas


Fascicolo: Suppl. 2 / 2018

The research analyzes topics in Accounting and Management studies and their trends over time. Based on hand-collected publication of full professor, associate professor, assistant researchers, doctoral graduates, we first suggest a classification of topics coherent with the one used by mains academic association annual congresses. Next, we find that Management and Financial accounting dominate topics in accounting studies, and that Auditing, Social, Environmental, Integrated report-ing, Education and History increase publication over time. We also find that public administration and health care industry dominate topics in management studies, and that public administration topics increases publications over time. We contribute to literature, extending previous studies focused only on specific type of re-searchers, publication, and topics. Full and Associate professors appear to drive the main topics, both in management (corporate governance - strategies) and accounting studies. Doctoral graduate and Assistant researchers, however, tend to focus their topics of research on articles, with great attention to the ranking of the journal that publishes the study.

In this study, we examine the effects of voluntary disclosure on the market value of Italian-listed companies adopting GRI guidelines, interpreting our results in the light of both stakeholder theory and legitimacy theory. From a methodological viewpoint, an index is used to measure the level of disclosure of human resources and environmental information. We consider a sample of firms listed on the Milan Stock Exchange for an eleven-year period (2004-2014). The period chosen gave us the opportunity to assess the value-relevance of environmental and social information before and during the Global Financial Crisis. We supplement the previous literature on the topic of the relationship between social and environmental disclosure and value-relevance by arguing that sustainability tools have to be evaluated, remembering that they express a notion of value in the long term and provide information to a large number of stakeholders. Our findings show that environmental information is only value-relevant during the crisis period, when the shareholder perspective comes more into line with other stakeholder perspectives because they are seeking a middle-to-long run notion of value. Finally, we find that a high level of GRI information disclosure is positively evaluated by investors; this result is important also because it was obtained in the Italian market which is largely considered inefficient, and thus it supports the urgent need to provide high-quality information in each type of market.

Stefano Adamo, Anna Maria Fellegara

La "nuova" informativa di bilancio

Profili teorici e criticità applicative dopo il D. Lgs. 139/2015 e i nuovi principi OIC

Il sistema informativo di bilancio è stato fortemente inciso dalla promulgazione del D. Lgs. n. 139/2015, che ha recepito in Italia la Direttiva n. 34/2013/UE, nonché dalla successiva ed estesa revisione dei principi contabili emanati dall’Organismo Italiano di Contabilità. Il volume si propone di approfondire le questioni relative alle scelte valutative che caratterizzano il percorso impresso all’informativa societaria, segnato dall’integrazione tra i valori storico originari e i valori correnti. Il volume, promosso dalla Società Italiana dei Docenti di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale (SIDREA), accoglie i contributi di numerosi studiosi italiani che dedicano la loro prevalente attenzione accademica e professionale ai temi del bilancio.

cod. 10388.8

Stefano Azzali, Luca Fornaciari, Tatiana Mazza

Income Smoothing via Loan Loss Provision in Credit Cooperative Banks


Fascicolo: 2 / 2016

This research investigates whether income smoothing via loan loss provision is lower for Credit Cooperative Banks than for non-Credit Cooperative Banks. Using data collected from the financial reporting of a sample of private banks, and Ordinary Least Square models based on net income or its variation, as used by previous literature, we find that income smoothing through loan loss provision is lower in Credit Cooperative Banks than in banks with different ownership structures. Results remain the same using several robustness tests (decomposition of loans, quality of loans, change in economic growth, cluster and fixed effect, effect of financial crisis). Mutual ownership, smaller size, and the local boundaries that characterize Credit Cooperative Banks may reduce the need for managers to manipulate earnings. Our findings give a positive evaluation of the recent Italian Law No. 18/2016 which reforms Credit Cooperative Banks, and imply that benefits of Credit Cooperative Banks ownership structure may derive from the group structure which gives a higher level of stability and solidity.

Pier Luigi Marchini, Luca Fornaciari

The increasing relevance of managing costs of poor quality (CoPQ). The case of the mineral water industry


Fascicolo: 3 / 2016

The paper studies the relation between the "Cost of Poor Quality" (CoPQ) and the sustainability approach of the companies. For years, management believed that it was too expensive to provide high-quality products and service to customers, and used this motivation to keep companies output far from reaching its full potential. During the last years of the XX Century, management's attitude began to change as they found that in international markets quality products provided a greater return on investment and increased the organization's market share (Harrington, 1999). As a result, a great deal of attention was focused on improving the quality of output from all employees and from all the internal and external processes of the company. The present contribution aims to analyze the relationship in business firm between non-quality cost and the sustainability approach, and in particular if the introduction of a management control system aimed at reducing CoPQ may increase the environmental sustainability of a company, so encouraging to reconcile the financial perspective with the not financial one. To do this, the study is accompanied by a description of case study concerning a middle company placed in Italy in the bottling, production and distribution of natural mineral water industry, that has recently pursued the way of the definition of CoPQ also for the purpose of a sustainable growth.

Eugenio Imbergamo, Andrea Viviani

Abbattere inefficienze e costi di produzione.

Un modello di eccellenza operativa e di simulazione

Le aziende conoscono veramente i propri costi? E come si possono ridurre i costi senza compromettere lo sviluppo dell’azienda se non si conoscono in modo adeguato? Il volume illustra un caso concreto di best practice replicabile anche da parte di altre aziende.

cod. 100.828

Luca Fornaciari

Il prospetto di raccordo nella comunicazione economico-finanziaria consolidata


Fascicolo: 4 / 2011

Il lavoro approfondisce la funzione informativa del prospetto di raccordo tra i valori di sintesi d’esercizio e quelli di gruppo nell’ambito della comunicazione economico- finanziaria consolidata. Attraverso un’analisi empirica compiuta sui prospetti redatti da un campione di cento società quotate alla Borsa Valori di Milano, sono offerte alcune considerazioni sulla capacità degli schemi presentati di soddisfare le finalità informative per le quali vengono redatti. Obiettivo del contributo è aumentare la chiarezza, la trasparenza e la comparabilità dei prospetti redatti, al fine di una migliore tutela del risparmio. In particolare, tale finalità è perseguita attraverso la presentazione di due possibili schemi che dovrebbero consentire di superare le carenze emerse dall’indagine.