L’articolo cerca di riflettere sulla relazione come elemento fondante la realtà sociale - la relazione come scambio o la relazione come dono? La relazione è la di là di queste due forme? Oppure la relazione è una forma pari allo scambio e al dono? Con l’obiettivo di rispondere a queste domande, l’autore analizzerà quattro autori, poco conosciuti nel dibattito italiano, Aldo Haesler, Philippe Chanial, entrambi sociologi, e Alan Fiske e di Nick Haslam, psicologi sociali. Infine, per superare alcuni limiti ontologici ed epistemologici insiti nei loro diversi approcci, questi studiosi verranno confrontati con la sociologia relazionale di Pierpaolo Donati.
What is the Social Cohesion? Some Remarks on the Semantics of a Sociological Basic Concept - In his paper, the author tries to analyse some innovative theories of social cohesion, pinpointing their respective and different semantics. This theories can be analysed as representative of sociological realism, holism and elisionism. From the realist point of view social cohesion can be conceptualized as one of the two layers of the social integration (as opposed to the system integration). In this sense the sociological theory has to improve its capacity to link the macro-, meso- and micro-sociological levels of analysis connecting it with the temporal morphogenesis of societies. From the holistic point of view, the social cohesion is the epiphenomenon of the society’s network structure. For the elisionist, social cohesion is reproduced by the situated interactions which suspend the cultural elements as well as the structural one. The author suggests that sociology should overcome the old lib-lab conceptualization of social cohesion conceived as the product of the good integration between the market and the state. Social cohesion should be redefined in a new relational way. Keywords: social cohesion; relational society; realism; holism; social integration.
Nel Rapporto annuale sulla situazione del paese, il Censis sottolinea che la mancanza di coesione sociale è oggi il più grave problema dell’Italia. Ma cosa si intende per coesione sociale? Il testo spiega il significato dell’espressione, mostrando come si misura il grado di coesione sociale di una società, in quale modo è possibile aumentarla e il ruolo del terzo settore in questa prospettiva.
cod. 1534.4.20
Some remarks on the right to become adult ABSTRACT: The transition to adulthood is more and more discussed from a political point of view as citizenship matter. For many scholars, it means that the State should support young boys and girls to achieve autonomy and independence. The youth has to achieve its full citizenship accomplishing its rights, exercising its duties, obtaining full access to the public and civil institutions, sharing community belonging with the others. The European Union, too, thinks that the youth represents a relevant resource for the union construction more than a social problem. So, from this point of view, youth should have the rights to regular job and to start a family. But, for the author, the matter is not analysed properly. Referring to Legendre’s anthropology, for whom the civil law is foundend on the filiations law, the author’s aim is to analyse the right of adulthood in an other way. The political problem of the transition to adulthood is not only an unemployment question, nor the problem of lowest-low fertility; it is not only neither a intergenerational problem nor the intragenerational one. The problem of the transition to adulthood is, above all, the symbolic permutation of the roles. The author, briefly analysing youth European trajectories toward independency and autonomy, argues that it is not possible to identify neither the best route to adulthood nor the worst one due to an overemphasizing or undervaluing different sides of the issue. Then, he seeks to argue that, from a socio-anthropological point of view, the transition has to be discussed as the problem of the ‘humanization’ of the society: its capacity to link the biological, the social and the psychological dimensions. This capacity is linked with the individual’s capacity to achieve adulthood.
Il volume studia la transizione all’età adulta secondo una prospettiva conoscitiva che consente di osservare simultaneamente l’intreccio morfogenetico tra dimensione strutturale e individuale dei processi. Si fa strada l’ipotesi che il processo di transizione all’età adulta sia un percorso di maturazione, dove, attraverso la conversazione interiore, il giovane può costruire la propria identità personale e investire se stesso nei ruoli e nelle posizioni sociali. Il giovane istituisce la propria adultità impegnandosi responsabilmente in un agire socialmente generativo.
cod. 1534.4.17
The essay presents the results of an empirical research on a sample of eleven couples of non-married young people. The aim is to understand the concrete possibility of a "pure relationship", as the English sociologist Anthony Giddens calls it. The author understand pure relationships as virtualizations of traditional marital relationships: only this level of non-reality can give the couples the chance of living together without facing the risks that are inherent to the marriage and the breaking up.
L'approccio relazionale
cod. 1534.4.16
cod. 1130.225