Sabrina Latusi, Marcello Tedeschi, Cristina Zerbini

Sexual stimuli in advertising: The opposite sex effect


Fascicolo: 1 / 2018

Sexual stimuli in advertising often evoke an emotional state able to shape both attitude towards the advertisement and towards the brands that interact in fostering consumers’ purchase intention. These relationships can be influenced by the interaction between the gender of the respondent and the gender of the model (opposite sex effect). The present study focuses on the interaction between brand and advertising attitude and their conjoint effect on purchase intention in the light of the opposite sex effect. Results show that such effect influences the attitude towards the advertisement while it does not emerges whit reference to attitude towards the brand and purchase intention. Implications for advertising and brand management are discussed.

L’obiettivo del presente lavoro di ricerca è quello di investigare il ruolo dell’effetto del paese d’origine nel contesto delle iniziative di cause related marketing. Le ipotesi riguardano l’influenza delle credenze relative al paese d’origine del prodotto sull’intenzione all’acquisto e sulla percezione da parte dei consumatori di tali iniziative. Lo studio consiste di un disegno sperimentale 2X2 between subjects. I risultati mostrano influenze significative del paese d’origine sulla attrattività del prodotto, sull’intenzione all’acquisto, sulla disponibilità a pagare e sulla percezione di utilità sociale della iniziativa. La provenienza del prodotto non ha effetti rilevanti sull’atteggiamento e sull’importanza attribuita alla mission causa sociale.

Marcello Tedeschi, Ilaria Baghi, Elena Rubaltelli

Le decisioni dei consumatori tra ragione ed emozione: l'effetto alone


Fascicolo: 2 / 2008

Reason and emotion in consumer' preferences: The Halo effect.Consumer research often considers decision making as a process aiming to combine and compare information the attributes characterizing different alternatives. Recent studies suggest that affect and emotion also have an influence on decision making. The aim of the present study is to show that the affect toward different brands could be influenced by specific comparisons and, in turn, have a role in shaping consumers’ preferences. In this perspective, the emotion becomes an attribute itself, a sort of halo able to connote products or brands in a distinctive way. In two studies, we investigate the influence of the halo effect on people’s judgments (1) and choices (2). Results show that a positive or negative halo influences people preferences for different brands. The findings of the present study are discussed in details. Moreover, an implication for marketing strategies is that the affective valence people attach to a brand or product may determinate their following preferences when specific contextual comparisons are present. Keywords: Affect, context effect, heuristics and biases,