Maria Carla Tabanelli, Maria Teresa Lovecchio

Diventare psicologo.

Prepararsi all'esame di stato. Area: psicologia del lavoro

cod. 2000.1089

Chiara Panari, Maria Carla Tabanelli, Dina Guglielmi, Francesco Saverio Violante

La valutazione dei fattori che incidono sullo stress lavoro-correlato: l'accordo tra osservatori di uno strumento osservativo


Fascicolo: 4 / 2009

La valutazione dei fattori che incidono sullo stress lavoro-correlato: l'accordo tra osservatori di uno strumento osservativo - Most of the research on work-related stress has been focused on self-rated assessment of stressors. The self-reported perceptions may be influenced by workers’ interpretations and the problem is particularly prominent when both psychosocial conditions and health are collected by means of self-report at the same time (common method variance). It is important to adopt instrument based on objective measures (i.e. independent from the assessor). According to this premises, the aim of this work is to show an observational structured checklist for the psychosocial risk factors assessment. In a pilot study 10 workers have been observed by two independent judgers. The data showed a good withingroup interrater reliability between observers.