Sabina Albonetti, Maria Monica Ratti

Dentro l'adolescenza

Lo psicologo clinico nel contesto scolastico

Questo manuale vuole mettere a disposizione di studenti, psicologi e operatori coinvolti nella gestione dell’educazione e della cura degli adolescenti un modello di intervento sul gruppo, declinato in specifiche tecniche descritte e applicabili nella scuola e nei contesti all’interno dei quali è necessario un intervento sul gruppo di adolescenti.

cod. 8.48

Maria Monica Ratti, Giulia Bruna Delli Zotti, Benedetta Vai, Sara Sofisti, Ciro D’Auria, Marco Rizzi, Maria Simonetta Spada, Silvia Nozza, Adriano Lazzarin, Lucio Sarno

Burnout mediates the relationship between coping strategies and self-perceived health in healthcare providers working with HIV/AIDS patients


Fascicolo: 2 / 2021

Burnout syndrome is conceptualized as a particular type of distress mainly occurring among healthcare providers. Burnout syndrome has been shown to identify a serious and spe-cific problem in providing care for HIV-positive patients, in this context health professionals are very sensitive to burnout syndrome not only because of the specific patients’ physical needs, but also because of other factors such as HIV-related discrimination, stigma, sexuality, intellectual disability, drugs and fear of HIV contagion during health professionals medical practice. Research studies have often focused on burnout syndrome, coping strategies and psychological and physical health in health professionals employed in the health system show-ing that coping strategies significantly predict burnout syndrome. Despite these premises, no previous study explored the possible role of burnout syndrome in mediating the relationship between coping strategies and mental health in health professionals. A sample of 85 health professionals working in HIV/AIDS units of two Italian hospitals were enrolled in this study. The results showed that emotional exhaustion is a partial mediator of the relationship between emotional coping and mental health status; so, we can assume that structured interventions aimed to improving both emotional coping and burnout syndrome could improve mental health status. All these results underline the importance of health promotion and disease prevention initiatives for health professionals.

Sabina Albonetti, Maria Monica Ratti

Violenza minorile, bullismo e cyberbullismo

Gruppi formativi a mediazione tra psicologia e diritto

Il volume è uno strumento per quanti a diverso titolo – psicologi, avvocati, operatori socio-sanitari, insegnanti e genitori – si occupano di adolescenti. In particolare, il libro vuole rispondere a un’esigenza formativa di integrazione tra conoscenze psicologiche e giuridiche, oggi necessarie per chiunque si occupi di adolescenti nel nuovo contesto generato dalla rivoluzione tecnologica di internet e dalla conseguente trasformazione dei rischi legati alle condotte violente dei minori.

cod. 1240.435

Maria Monica Ratti, Alessandro Rossi, Giulia Bruna Delli Zotti, Lucio Sarno, Donatella Spotti

Social support, psychological distress and depression in hemodialysis patients


Fascicolo: 1 / 2017

The End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and the need for hemodialysis treatment, forces patients to make numerous changes in their daily lives in order to cope with this chronic illness. Such changes often trigger the onset of notable psychological distress and depressive symptoms. Furthermore, these negative feelings may undermine the effectiveness of medical treatment, consequently worsening the patients’ health and quality of life. However, in patients affected by chronic disease the presence of social support seems to be associated with less psychological distress. Thus, the aim of this study ? in a sample group of ESDR patients ? was to explore if a high (vs. low) social support system is associated to a better (vs. a worse) state of psychological well-being. The results seemingly confirm our hypothesis. ESRD patients who benefit from social support resources display less psychological distress and depressive symptoms. These findings highlight - once more - the importance of a psychological evaluation in patients affected by chronic illnesses, such as ESDR. Specifically, identifying the presence (or absence) of the patients’ social support resources. This would be essential when setting up a program of psychotherapeutic sessions, in order to manage the remission of psychological distress.