Licia Califano

Sicurezza alimentare, diritto al cibo, etica della sostenibilità

Politiche giuridiche, economiche e sociali

La sicurezza alimentare, intesa nella sua più ampia accezione di “diritto al cibo”, si configura come un diritto fondamentale preordinato al rispetto della vita stessa. Questo volume affianca alla dimensione esistenziale del valore del cibo un ragionamento orientato a elaborare scelte politiche di intervento ed evidenziare i limiti di un modello socio-economico che continua a muoversi all’interno di un paradigma lontano da logiche di consumo sostenibile e dal rispetto dei diritti delle persone.

cod. 315.2.30

Licia Califano

Food Security, Right to Food, Ethics of Sustainability

Legal, Economic and Social Policies

Food security, understood in its broadest sense as the ‘right to food’, is a fundamental right preordained to respect for life itself. This is a value of food which, in the integrated and interdisciplinary methodological perspective embraced in this book, combines the existential dimension of food with reasoning oriented towards elaborating political choices of intervention.

cod. 10315.7

Eduardo Barberis, Daniela Freddi, Raffaele Giammetti, Paolo Polidori, Désirée Teobaldelli, Elena Viganò

Trade Relationships in the European Pork Value Chain: a Network Analysis

Economia agro-alimentare

Fascicolo: 1 / 2020

This article aims to analyse the European pig sector and its transformations (e.g. vertical integration and phase specialization).In particular, we will both explore the specialization and territorial concentration of pig production, and the significant changes which have taken place in the trade among European Union countries. Using the network analysis (betweenness centrality, node strength and community detection) applied to Eurostat and fao datasets on production and trade in the period 2000-2016, we will show the emergence of national players and international connections that lead to a larger continental market. Finally, this evidence will be used in the discussion and conclusion to raise wider concerning the working of agrifoodvalue chains, in terms of social, economic and environmental sustainability, as well as regulation. This calls for more interdisciplinary analyses of value chains.

Massimo Marrelli, Fabio Padovano

Servizi pubblici

Nuove tendenze nella regolamentazione, nella produzione e nel finanziamento

Il volume raccoglie alcuni dei lavori presentati alla riunione annuale del 2006 della Società Italiana di Economia Pubblica sul tema dei servizi pubblici. Gli studi raccolti forniscono una panoramica articolata dei diversi temi sul tappeto, attraverso l’analisi delle tematiche generali – i problemi della liberalizzazione e della privatizzazione, la definizione dei rapporti pubblico-privato e i profili di articolazione territoriale dei servizi pubblici – e delle tematiche specifiche collegate ai diversi settori: energia, servizi idrici, mobilità e trasporti.

cod. 500.40

Fabio Fiorillo, Lorenzo Robotti

L'Unione di Comuni

Teoria economica ed esperienze concrete

cod. 380.325

Fabio Fiorillo, Antonio Palestrini, Paolo Polidori, Claudio Socci

Analisi delle relazioni fra la sostenibilità del ciclo dell'acqua e il sistema economico


Fascicolo: 2 / 2004

It is well known that the water cycle is going to assume a central role in the economic system because of its increasing relative shortage. This means that even though the water available to planet Earth is the same water that has always been available and the only water that ever will be available, in reality however, we have a limited amount of usable drinking water. Since the drinking water conservation and its production depends on the economic activity, in this paper we analyse the link between water cycle and the economic system constructing a new type or framework that combines standard material of account (MFA) techniques with make and use (M&U) accounting matrices in order to coordinate the physical issues of accounting to the value issues. The impact of economic policies on the water cycles as well as consistency of policies with sustainability is then evaluated showing the importance of the natural resourceseconomic system feedback in this kind of analysis. In other terms, this new framework allows the analyst to consider both the effect of given policies on the water cycle and the constraint produced by the sustainability problem on the economic system. Finally, we studied the dynamical system resulting from the MFA and M&U integration and show how to investigate the estimation problem of the framework extrapolating the use by use matrices from the system.