Kelsey Huling, Paul H. Lysaker, Laura Faith, Helena García-Mieres

Addressing negative symptoms in schizophrenia through Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy: An illustrated Case Study


Fascicolo: 48 / 2021

The resistance of negative symptoms to pharmacologic treatment has spurred interest in understanding the psychological factors that contribute to their formation and persistence.Accordingly, recent research has suggested that deficits in metacognition, or the ability to form integrated ideas about oneself, others and the world, are involved in the development and maintenance of negative symptoms. One implication of this work is that treatments which address metacognition may effectively lead to reduction in negative symptoms. This paper explores the application of one such treatment, designed to address deficits in metacognition, Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (MERIT), to addressing persistent negative symptoms. First the basic principles of MERIT are presented and then its potential to address negative symptoms is illustrated by a comprehensive case report.

Paul H. Lysaker, Reid E. Klion

Psicoterapia metacognitiva delle psicosi

Guida alla Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy

Il volume presenta un modello di trattamento integrato per pazienti con psicosi e altre gravi condizioni psicopatologiche. È una guida pratica di facile consultazione che include una descrizione operativa dei processi metacognitivi, una formalizzazione degli obiettivi e dei moduli di intervento, una descrizione degli interventi e dei risultati attesi per ogni modulo, strumenti di assessment del funzionamento del paziente e dell’aderenza al trattamento.

cod. 1161.17