La ricerca ha estratto dal catalogo 22 titoli

L’autore presenta in questo volume i più significativi cambiamenti che negli ultimi anni hanno riguardato la progettazione sociale e approfondisce le riflessioni contenute in un suo precedente libro, Progettare nel sociale (2003), un testo che ha avuto 2 edizioni e diverse ristampe ed è stato adottato da un numero molto rilevante di università italiane.

cod. 1534.3.10

Maria Lucia Piga

Servizio sociale e comunità responsabile

Pratiche e strumenti per una formazione di qualità

Assunta la centralità dell’assistente sociale come figura esperta nel far emergere nuove risorse sociali e potenzialità creative soggettive, nel presente volume l’attenzione si focalizza sulla specificità storica di questa professione, oggi minacciata dalla crescente burocratizzazione del sistema pubblico. Il lavoro è volto sia a comprendere il ruolo degli assistenti sociali nell’attivazione di comunità responsabili, sia ad analizzare i nodi critici della loro formazione accademica.

cod. 11164.5

Remo Siza

Welfare for the middle classes: the case for reinforcement


Fascicolo: 2 / 2017

Over the last decades a large body of theoretical and empirical research has documented the declining living standards and loss of security of the middle class. This paper argues that a large part of this research captures neither the extent and intensity of the hardship endured by the middle classes, nor its impact on civil coexistence and the functioning of economic and political institutions. Among the middle class, confidence in institutions, civic values and trust in other people have all been declining. The paper argues that this condition of economic and relational difficulty needs a new social policy strategy capable of protecting these social groups against the growing risk of instability and of contributing to the rebuilding of a sense of belonging and identity.

Remo Siza, Chris Deeming



Fascicolo: 2 / 2017

The transformation of Italian National ealth system is an attempt to respond to growing social risks associated with the ageing of the population and lack of selfsufficiency. This transformation underestimates other social risks, in particular those arising from the widespread diffusion of living conditions characterized by impoverishment and financial constraints. Public welfare seems less and less capable of addressing the needs of the central classes of the social stratification and the emerging private welfare plays a compensatory role almost exclusively for social groups with consolidated incomes and job positions. A further reduction of the welfare state would worsen the living conditions of these parts of the population: families who are at risk of not having sufficient public services, which have limited possibilities to access a supplementary welfare, frequently working in small companies that do not provide their employees with welfare benefits. In this ‘half-way society’, the loosening of social ties and relationships, family instability, and deregulation of the work system create the conditions for the development of and individualism that is neither regulated nor easily manageable, disconnected from any form of belonging. The development of social innovation is an urgent task defined as a novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than existing solutions, and for which the value created accrues primarily to society as a whole rather than private individuals.

Carmine Clemente, Remo Siza



Fascicolo: 1EN / 2015

The development of Italian National health system is an attempt to respond to growing social risks associated with the ageing of the population and lack of selfsufficiency. This development underestimates other social risks, in particular those arising from the widespread diffusion of living conditions characterized by impoverishment and financial constraints. Public welfare seems less and less capable of addressing the needs of the central classes of the social stratification and the emerging private welfare plays a compensatory role almost exclusively for social groups with consolidated incomes and job positions. A further reduction of the welfare state would worsen the living conditions of these parts of the population: families who are at risk of not having sufficient public services, which have limited possibilities to access a supplementary welfare, frequently working in small companies that do not provide their employees with welfare benefits. In this ‘half-way society’, the loosening of social ties and relationships, family instability, and deregulation of the work system create the conditions for the development of and individualism that is neither regulated nor easily manageable, disconnected from any form of belonging. The development of social innovation as an urgent task defined as a novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than existing solutions and for which the value created accrues primarily to society as a whole rather than private individuals.

Carmine Clemente, Remo Siza



Fascicolo: 1 / 2015

Giampiero Branca, Maria Lucia Piga

I nodi della programmazione condivisa.

Esperienze e riflessioni

Programmare e progettare interventi e servizi alla persona, dopo la legge 328/2000, significa prendere in considerazione il ruolo delle comunità locali nel welfare partecipato, soprattutto nei termini di una corresponsabilità tra istituzioni e terzo settore. Facendo riferimento in particolare al caso sardo, il volume rende conto delle problematiche affrontate nel convegno su “Costruire politiche sociali. I nodi della programmazione condivisa”.

cod. 1043.79

Il volume propone degli orientamenti culturali per il rinnovamento, diversi approcci operativi per affrontare i nodi della domanda sociale e sanitaria, e la formazione di altri strumenti da offrire ai professionisti, traendo vantaggio dalle inedite prospettive aperte dal web.

cod. 1043.73

Alberto Merler

Altri scenari.

Verso il distretto dell'economia sociale

Il volume pone l’attenzione sulla propositività e intenzionalità di interventi che, stimolando la partecipazione attiva e la responsabilità civica, puntino a valorizzare le relazioni sociali come strumento e oggetto del processo economico. Il capitale relazionale diviene un fattore cruciale nello sviluppo di una visione di scenari possibili in cui il territorio è concepito come “distretto dell’economia sociale”.

cod. 613.2.9

Pete Alcock, Remo Siza

Povertà diffuse e classi medie

La ricerca evidenzia come la povertà, seppure con intensità e durata differente, non riguardi soltanto individui e gruppi sociali marginali, ma si estenda, in modo crescente, ad altri gruppi sociali, che hanno condizioni di vita normalmente adeguate. La povertà non è il prodotto di processi di esclusione sociale irreversibili, ma è espressione di una instabilità delle relazioni sociali, di una precarietà che coinvolge il lavoro, le relazioni familiari e riguarda l’insufficienza degli attuali sistemi di welfare.

cod. 1534.4.24

Remo Siza

Le povertà delle classi medie e dei "ceti popolari"


Fascicolo: 3 / 2009

Lower and Middle Class Poverty - Several studies carried out using a dynamic approach show that poverty, although at different degrees of intensity and duration, is no longer an issue concerning only a defined portion of the population living in typically disadvantaged circumstances (e.g. in deprived areas), but is increasingly affecting other social classes that would normally benefit from adequate living conditions, including the growing poorer middle class and those with insecure or low paid jobs. We are not just referring to socially isolated groups of people, but to an intermediate heterogeneous social area, a dissimilar aggregate of individuals experiencing different trajectories of social mobility: members of the impoverished middle class, low income families reduced to poverty by different life events, people with unstable jobs and inadequate family and social support. Although with a different background, they have in common a more lasting precarious condition and a higher risk of poverty compared to other members of the middle class who can rely on better incomes and stronger social support and to the wealthier social classes. These social groups share, at least for a short period of their life, very difficult living conditions potentially affecting several aspects of their existence and limited resources to rely upon to sustain their life projects.

Pete Alcock, Remo Siza



Fascicolo: 3 / 2009

Remo Siza

Povertà provvisorie.

Le nuove forme del fenomeno

Fenomeno sempre più discusso e indagato, la povertà ha assunto in quest’ultimo decennio caratteristiche molto diverse dal passato. Oggi si entra e si esce dalla povertà più frequentemente, sono cresciute le famiglie coinvolte in oscillazioni tra periodi nei quali il reddito è sufficiente e condizioni di povertà più o meno intense... Il volume aiuta a leggere le trasformazioni della società per comprenderla meglio.

cod. 1534.5.3

Maria Lucia Piga, Remo Siza

Gli attori del Servizio Sociale per un'elaborazione dell'autonomia civica e territoriale


Fascicolo: 74-75 / 2004

In order to give a contribution to the study of territorial social policies the case study of Sardinia within the wider Italian context is explored. The main focus is on how public institutions, informal and community actors, as well as third sector and social private subjects come to build up a system of services. Another aspect treated is how design, discourse and practices become social policies. The Regional Law n° 4 (1988) recognises the role of local territory in elaborating social policies based on the assessment of local needs. That is why such important normative provisions can be thought of as anticipation of the national framework law n° 328 (2000). Nonetheless, attention must be driven on some contradictions that shed a light on the distance between enunciation and its actual implementation.

Pete Alcock, Remo Siza



Fascicolo: 2 / 2003