The search has found 26 titles

Il volume intende offrire un’analisi dettagliata dei possibili strumenti e delle diverse strategie che, con riferimento alle dimensioni ambientale, sociale, territoriale e generazionale dello sviluppo, sono in grado di valorizzare in maniera sostenibile la qualità agroalimentare, favorendo la promozione di una nuova cultura alimentare sostenibile.

cod. 365.861

Safwat H. Shakir Hanna, Irvin W. Osborne-Lee, Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Rosa Misso

Ecological Human Imprint (EHI) and Water Resources in USA Modeling: Impacts and Assessment


Fascicolo: 2 / 2018

Ecological Human Imprint (EHI) is a new index that is of important measure in cal-culating the human demands and impacts on our global environment. In this re-spect, the ecological human imprint is a function of all the parameters that interact between the power of ecosystem productivity and human interactions and activities on a particular ecosystem or the demand from that ecosystem. The present paper will cover and analyses the ecosystems’ productivity and the human demand from the ecosystems. It will produce comprehensive analyses in measuring the possibility of capabilities of the ecosystems to provide goods and services to the human beings on our planet Earth. Further, the paper will discuss the models that can be used in measuring the sustainability of ecosystem and in particular, water resources and what we should be doing to maintain the earth healthy ecosystems. In this respect, the paper will assess and introduce a comprehensive model called Ecological Human Imprint (EHI) and water resources change of US (EHI-WR-US) that can describe the status of our ecosystems’ productivities and the impacts of changing of water resources’ availability and human population within the USA Earth boundaries. Furthermore, the paper will provide some answers to the human issues in USA; water resources change impacts as the results of human activities. Further, the model will provide warning to the current trend in use and abuse of our natural ecosystems and what will be expecting from these ecosystems to provide the human needs in response to the current use of US ecosystems that exist. It is clear from the analysis of (EHI-WR-US) that the USA will reach 450 million people or more in the year 2050, and this will overload the ecosystems with heavy demands and consumptions for goods, and services that these ecosystems can produce or cannot produce for the next generations. It is expected that model will assess the impacts of the EHI of human population in US from ecological transfor-mation of land-use, and economic impacts, locally in US. From the analysis, the model predicted that the US biological capacity will be degrading to the extent that the ecosystems will not be able to support the growing populations, and there will be a shortage of food and other services. It is expected that the need will be about twice the land of current land of US to meet the demands from our ecosystems to support the growing population and their life style. In this model, we used Stella Software to predict the impacts of the EHI for the next century and what we should expect beyond quantitatively. The model developed on relaxed assumption, mod-erate assumption and conservative assumption of human population growth and in consequence, the US EHI biological capacity with all its components, including energy and impacts of climate change that affects the water resources and on the natural resources and availability of cycling natural resource. Accordingly, the warming and related climate changes proceed more rapidly than generally expected before. Weather extremes can cause unsustainable summer heat along with lack of water, fire causing vegetation to burn and will allow loss of forest vegetation. This will end of the destruction and loss of available food and in consequence, the famine and human death. The paper will conclude and set up several recommendations to avoid irreversible impacts of human beings on the ecosystems and our global environment, including the impact of climate change and in consequence, the water resources and finally the sustainability of our ecosystems

Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Rosa Misso, Hanna Safwat H. Shakir

Territorial competition and circular economy


Fascicolo: 2 / 2017

The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development represented a worldwide acknowledgment of the incapacity of the current development model of development to grant everyone the "Right to sustainable wellbeing". It also signalled the necessity to develop an integrated approach to sustainable wellbeing considering its economic, social, environmental and institutional dimensions. On the basis of such considerations, the present study aimed at drawing attention on an economic model that should be considered the key to generate growth and ensure the sustainability of territorial wellbeing: the circular economy. In particular, while focusing on the strategic role of agriculture as a lever to achieve sustainable wellbeing, the paper aims at offering insights to policy makers and territorial stakeholders who are called to respond to current challenges and implement paradigms that are able to ensure a collective sustainable wellbeing.

Hanna Safwat H. Shakir, Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Rosa Misso

Ecological Human Imprint: Global Agro Ecosystem, Balance of Human Race with Nature and Economic Sustainability


Fascicolo: 2 / 2017

Agriculture Sector has been associated with production of essential food crops and other crops that are necessary for human being living. Agriculture plays a critical role throughout the life of human population that will reach between 9.5 to 11.0 billion people by year 2050. In spite of increasing the technological advances, the crop production is in decreasing mode due to the growing human demand for crop products. The technological advances as implementation of precision agriculture or agriculture zoning accurately are possible by combining global positioning system and geographic information systems. Recent studies suggest that some genetically modified crops to increase production, pose human health and other things. Therefore, the education of humans in reducing the human growth in order to making balance between human population growth and natural resources’ availability by convincing education and by supporting human choices is the supporting means in this regard.

Rosa Misso, Zacharoula Andreopoulou

Wine and Health: A sustainable governance for a responsible communication


Fascicolo: 1 / 2017

The new framework within which to project the development strategies of the wine sector, in the face of both the consolidation of new competitors at international and European level, that the emergence of new social and environmental demands, emphasizes the role of this sector as a "bridge" between the territory and the society. Just with respect to this function, now more than ever, it is clear the central importance of this sector in building "well-being" guaranteeing health. On the basis of these considerations, the work aims to draw a theoretical framework for the determinants of a communication strategy more responsible to society experiencing, in a regional system of the Campania Region, traditionally suited to viticulture, the significance of such a strategy, providing important insights reflection to policy makers and stakeholders on governance tools needed to accompany and support the sector's development in terms of sustainability.

Rosa Misso, Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Hanna Safwat Shakir, Zacharoula Andreopoulou, Monica Varlese

Convergence to sustainability of well-being - The European Governance for the future


Fascicolo: 2 / 2016

Facing the challenges to the sustainability of well-being, the main commitment to EU member countries will be to give themselves a sustainable structure for the people and for all its territories, where, through an appropriate governance you must ensure exclusive benefits able to win ideas, behaviors and activities "homologated" which essentially crush the value systems pertinent to the identity of people and territories. On the basis of these considerations, the present paper aim to underline the important role that the economist has to play, reinterpreting the limits of the theory in light of a new and practical idea of economy, able to build well-being and to guarantee its sustainability in all its dimensions. Starting from the role of European integration, the paper aim to underline the importance to reinstate the "food issue" in a new idea of European integration more sustainable for all.

Hanna Safwat H. Shakir, Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Rosa Misso, Irvin Osborne-Lee

Ecological Currency. A New Approach in Sustainable Development. In the 21st Century in Relationship to Climate Change and Human Imprint Impacts


Fascicolo: 1 / 2016

This article focuses on the importance of the carbon currency as a fundamental tool to support sustainability. Starting from a theoretical approach and underlining the significance of an ecological currency in regenerating the resources and conserve the existing natural resources in the paper it has been proposed the use of a carbon currency. This last is crucial because it is important a type of currency that will be a measure to discuss the climate change impacts. More precisely, the impacts of human imprints and climate changes are important to be discussed and to be connected to the carbon currency which can measure quantitatively the release of carbon dioxide and other warming gases that are harming the environment and cause problems to the natural resources which allow to produce goods and services that we are using daily in our life.

Zacharoula Andreopoulou, Nikos Leandros

Tourism and new media

What is tourism in new media era? What are green tourism and green business and should we adopt green marketing strategies in order to attract tourists? The book presents theory topics and supports with insight from case studies and successful paradigms from Greece and Italy such as: major trends of tourism market, the role of public policies in tourism, agritourism and social media marketing, sustainable approach of agrotourism, rural tourism development, the role of DMOs in the digital era…

cod. 378.2

Rosa Misso, Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Hanna Safwat Shakir

Territorial Corporate Identity and New Food Paradigms


Fascicolo: 2 / 2015

The need to "feed the planet", and especially to do so in a sustainable way, requires the ability of firms to "make themselves system" for the well-being sustainability by changing their paradigm of development and contributing effectively to the creation and maintenance of a Sustainability Oriented Territory (SOT): their territory. With this in mind, this paper examines the strategy of territorial corporate identity as strategic response of the "enterprise system" of a territory to a new food paradigm (identitary, sustainable and based on a not segmented approach to wellbeing) and as action carrier for the creation and maintenance of a SOT.

Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Maria Carmen de Angelis, Rosa Misso, Aquilina Olleia, Hanna Safwat H. Shakir

Towards a Universal Right to Well-being Sustainability


Fascicolo: 1 / 2015

Sustainability is a right for all and the recognition of this requires a shift to a not more segmented approach to well-being sustainability. It is fundamental an universal approach, based on three pillars: an integrated communication strategy "Empowering Sustainability"; a new reference global system; the valorization of the "Excellence systems" of the territories. Starting from these considerations, this article looks at the role that the Food Systems of the Planet can play in determining the recognition of the right to an Overall Food System as a lever for the construction and maintenance over time and space of the well-being of our societies.

Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Rosa Misso


A collaborative platform for the Excellences of Campania Region

This volume focuses on the Excellencies, which are companies that have invested in greening, and that become for the “Company System” of the Campania Region an irreplaceable beacon to enter concretely in a dimension of sustainability.

cod. 378.1

Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Rosa Misso, Francesca D'Alessandro, H. Shakir Hanna Safwat, Brent S. Steel, Zacharoula S. Andreopoulou

Sustainable Governance for a New "Proximity Market"of our Agriculture


Fascicolo: 2 / 2014

The review of institutional organization of the municipalities in metropolitan cities leads us to reflect on the new role that agriculture and its stakeholders have to play in the pursuit of sustainability of well-being. In this context, this paper aims to highlight new models of governance for agriculture in the future, more appropriate to the emergence of a new proximity market, but especially more embedded in a feedback system that it will be able to offer in terms of lifestyles, mobility, work, health, leisure, social relationships and milieu. More precisely, agriculture can find a proximity market, whether it will be able to ensure the replicability of the stock of social, human, natural and economic capital, to respond to new lifestyles and to maintain and protect the identity of the territory.

Hanna Safwat H. Shakir, Kendall T. Harris, Irvin W. Osborne-Lee, Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Rosa Misso, Magdy T. Khalil

Global Ecological Footprint, Climate Change Impacts and Assessment


Fascicolo: 2 / 2013

Ecological footprint (EF) is an important measure in calculating the human demands and impacts on our global environment. In this respect, the ecological footprint is a function of all the parameters that interact between the power of ecosystem productivity and human interactions and activities on a particular ecosystem or the demand from that ecosystem. The present paper will cover and analyses the ecosystems’ productivity and the human demand from the ecosystems. It will produce comprehensive analyses in measuring the possibility of capabilities of the ecosystems to provide goods and services to the human beings on our planet Earth. Further, the paper will discuss the models that can be used in measuring the sustainability of ecosystem, climate changes and what we should be doing to maintain the Earth healthy ecosystems. In this respect, the paper will assess and introduce a comprehensive model called Global Ecological Footprint and climate change (GEF-CH) that can describe the status of our ecosystems’ productivities and the impacts of climate change and global human population Earth boundaries. Furthermore, the paper will provide some answers to the human issues globally; Climate change impacts as the results of human activities. Further, warning to the current trend in use and abuse of our natural ecosystems and what will be expecting from these ecosystems to provide the human needs in response to the current use of global ecosystems' existence.

Rosa Misso

"Particular Stakeholders": verso un sistema di full governance


Fascicolo: 1 / 2013

Il presente lavoro mira ad evidenziare il ruolo svolto nel perseguimento della sostenibilità del benessere dalla classe degli stakeholder particolari, espressione di quella fetta di popolazione che ai diversi livelli territoriali, nelle diverse parti del mondo, non sempre riesce ad avere voce nei progetti stessi della società. Più in particolare, il nuovo ordine di responsabilità, multilivello e non gerarchico, richiesto per il raggiungimento della sostenibilità del benessere reclama una partecipazione allargata ai progressi socio-economici e culturali anche a tali soggetti, da attuarsi attraverso processi di governance "piena", ovvero piattaforme umane di relazioni ed azioni che si facciano portavoce degli interessi particolari dei soggetti più deboli.

Rosa Misso, Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Immacolata Viola

Sostenibilità del benessere e responsabilità


Fascicolo: 1 / 2013

Le decisioni assunte rispetto alle determinanti della sostenibilità, ovvero, rispetto alla crescita, a nuovi paradigmi di benessere e agli andamenti socio-economici e demografici globali, rappresentano il nodo nevralgico di qualsiasi strategia di accrescimento e di mantenimento nel tempo e nello spazio del benessere economico, sociale, ambientale, territoriale e generazionale. Tenuto conto di ciò, il presente lavoro, dopo aver identificato il principio della responsabilità come fattore genetico della sostenibilità del benessere mette in luce come le decisioni messe in campo, attraverso un approccio multilivello e multi-traiettorie debbano necessariamente trovare fondamento in tale principio assicurando, in tal modo, la replicabilità nel tempo e nello spazio degli stock di capitale naturale, umano, economico e sociale

Irene Paola Borrelli, Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Rosa Misso

La sostenibilità del benessere: una questione complessa


Fascicolo: 1 / 2013

Aspirare ad un benessere effimero, di breve periodo o puramente economico non può essere un progetto di futuro sostenibile per la società. È necessario dare nuova centralità alla sostenibilità del benessere. È una questione complessa, caratterizzata non solo dalle molteplici dimensioni del benessere ma anche e soprattutto dal dover considerare la forte interdipendenza tra esse e i numerosi vincoli che ne derivano per garantire la replicabilità degli stock di capitale. In tale ottica il lavoro offre una breve analisi degli elementi che secondo gli autori compongono la sua complessità: le "determinanti della sostenibilità" e l’"approccio integrato" che si sostanzia in strategie multilivello e multi traiettorie per garantire la replicabilità degli stock di capitale nel tempo e nello spazio.

Giuseppe Marotta

Nuovi modelli di agricoltura e creazione di valore.

Le risorse immateriali nella governance del valore nei sistemi locali campani

un’analisi dei nuovi modelli di agricoltura e dei processi di creazione di valore nell’azienda agricola multifunzionale, alla luce degli attuali e complessi scenari competitivi e politico-istituzionali.

cod. 365.939

Zacharoula Andreopoulou, Gian Paolo Cesaretti

Sostenibilità dello sviluppo e dimensione territoriale.

Il ruolo dei sistemi regionali a vocazione rurale

Raccogliendo i contributi di diverse realtà territoriali ed evidenziando le relative esperienze su specifici strumenti e sull’adozione di determinate politiche, il volume propone una visione del territorio come punto di partenza fondamentale per l’impostazione di piani per la sostenibilità, facendo emergere la caratterizzazione di ciascun contesto e la necessità di adeguare gli strumenti non solo agli obiettivi ma soprattutto alle connotazioni identitarie dei relativi territori.

cod. 372.1