Silvia Grappi, Simona Romani

Consumer attitude toward reshoring: Related effects and relevant boundary conditions


Fascicolo: 4 / 2017

Literature recommends that companies should try to understand consumer evaluations and reactions so as to meet their needs properly. This study focuses on consumers’ evaluations of and behaviors toward reshoring companies, and identifies two interacting elements useful for this general purpose. The influence of attitude towards reshoring on consumers’ evaluations of, and behaviors toward, reshoring companies is better itemized by the moderating role of perceived motives for reshoring. We propose, and test, the influence of the two variables on consumer willingness to pay for the products of a reshoring company.

Silvia Grappi

Il reshoring visto dal consumatore.

Sfide ed opportunità per l'impresa

La decisione dell’impresa di riportare tutte o parte delle proprie attività nel paese di origine (reshoring) è un fenomeno recente in grande crescita e in grado di attrarre l’interesse di studiosi e manager, così come di istituzioni e policy maker. Il volume affronta il tema del reshoring focalizzando l’attenzione su uno dei principali stakeholder dell’impresa, ovvero il consumatore.

cod. 619.14

Silvia Grappi

Consumer boycott of companies implementing offshoring strategies


Fascicolo: 3 / 2015

This paper investigates the impact of company offshoring decisions on consumer intentions to boycott the company. To this end, the study proposes and empirically tests the moderated mediation process underlying such consumer reactions. Results verify (1) the mediating role of consumer attitude towards boycotts in the relationship between the perceived egregiousness of the company offshoring decisions and the consumer intention to boycott the company, and (2) the moderating role of consumer ethnocentrism. Acknowledging that boycotts following offshoring decisions can pose a serious threat to companies in today’s marketplace, this study attempts to analyze in depth this phenomenon and provide helpful suggestions on how to deal with it.

Determinants of consumer’s loyal behaviours within the retail context: the role of brand identification This study develops and tests a new theoretical framework allowing to analyse consumer loyalty in an extensive perspective. We assess that brand loyalty can be supported by firms through spreading values and beliefs able to create brand identification and sense of sharing among consumers. Furthermore we capture the complex structure of consumer’s loyal behaviours by introducing a new construct. To do this we extend the Theory of Reasoned Action improving its predictive ability with a new dimension able to measure consumer’s brand identification. We also check for actual behaviours through the specific variable named brand related behaviours. Within this frame we estimate the influence of brand identification on consumer’s intention to act in favour of the retailer and, therefore, on consumer loyalty. The data, coming from a retail context, supports our theoretical proposition. Moreover results offer interesting managerial and theoretical insights and noteworthy research implications. Keywords: brand identification, consumer loyalty, retail context.

Uno dei distretti industriali italiani più consolidati e competitivi, quello delle imprese ceramiche localizzate nelle province di Modena e Reggio Emilia: il volume analizza la crescente divaricazione dei modelli interpretativi e strategici da cui è attraversato il distretto, e le linee di evoluzione su cui si va edificando una nuova e diversa identità distrettuale.

cod. 380.356