Ridere e parlare di sesso: una costruzione plurale delle maschilità eterosessuali

Autori/Curatori Camoletto Raffaella Ferrero
Anno di pubblicazione 2013 Fascicolo 2013/2 Lingua Italiano
Numero pagine 18 P. 59-76 Dimensione file 120 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2013-002004
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The paper aims at exploring the processes by which men perform their masculinities while accounting for their heterosexual biographies and making sense of their sexual experiences. Based on the analysis of 30 in depth interviews, carried out in 2007-08, with a sample of men aged 18 to 35 living in Piedmont, Northern Italy, the paper focuses on a peculiar mechanism of doing heterosexual masculinity: the use of humour within intra-gender interviews (with a male researcher) on the topic of heterosexual biographies. Previous research has pointed out how jokes, banners and humorous stories on sex belong to a cultural repertoire shared by young men in expressing their masculinities and recalling a male complicity and solidarity.;

Keywords:Mascolinità, eterosessualità, omosocialità, humour

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Camoletto Raffaella Ferrero, Ridere e parlare di sesso: una costruzione plurale delle maschilità eterosessuali in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" 2/2013, pp 59-76, DOI: 10.3280/SES2013-002004