Envisioning the future: A neuropsycho-pedagogical intervention on resilience predictors among inmates during the pandemic

Autori/Curatori Tania Di Giuseppe, Giulia Perasso, Claudio Mazzeo, Alessandro Maculan, Francesca Vianello, Patrizio Paoletti
Anno di pubblicazione 2023 Fascicolo 2022/3 Lingua Inglese
Numero pagine 20 P. 1-20 Dimensione file 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/rip2022oa14724
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Research about the predictors of resilience in the inmate population needs further explorations. This study examines the predictors of resilience in male inmates from Padua prison, before and after a 9-session neuropsychopedagogical intervention, entitled Envisioning the Future (EF), which took part in remote during Covid-19 pandemic. Using two linear regression models, a change in the factors determining inmates' resilience was found from before to after the intervention. In the pre-course group (n = 24), only low avoidance emerged as a statistically significant predictor of the level of resilience. In the post-course group (n = 24) low avoidance, flexibility, high levels of social support, and self-efficacy in managing positive emotions emerged as significant predictors of inmates’ resilience. The results show that the constellation of factors predicting resilience in prisoners can be enriched by participating to neuropsychopedagogical interventions like EF, that increases individuals’ resources in a challenging context such as prison.

Research about the predictors of resilience in the inmate population needs further explorations. This study examines the predictors of resilience in male inmates from Padua prison, before and after a 9-session neuropsychopedagogical intervention, entitled Envisioning the Future (EF), which took part in remote during Covid-19 pandemic. Using two linear regression models, a change in the factors determining inmatesʼ resilience was found from before to after the intervention. In the pre-course group (n = 24), only low avoidance emerged as a statistically significant predictor of the level of resilience. In the post-course group (n = 24) low avoidance, flexibility, high levels of social support, and self-efficacy in managing positive emotions emerged as significant predictors of inmates’ resilience. The results show that the constellation of factors predicting resilience in prisoners can be enriched by participating to neuropsychopedagogical interventions like EF, that increases individuals’ resources in a challenging context such as prison.

Keywords:; resilience; inmates; imprisoned parent; neuropsichopedagogical intervention; coping; emotion regulation

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Tania Di Giuseppe, Giulia Perasso, Claudio Mazzeo, Alessandro Maculan, Francesca Vianello, Patrizio Paoletti, Envisioning the future: A neuropsycho-pedagogical intervention on resilience predictors among inmates during the pandemic in "RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA" 3/2022, pp 1-20, DOI: 10.3280/rip2022oa14724