Issue 2/2018
- Ivo Maes, Rebeca Gomez Betancourt, Paul van Zeeland and the First Decade of the US Federal Reserve System: the Analysis from a European Central Banker who was a Student of Kemmerer
- Luciano Messori, Raimondello Orsini, John Bates Clark: the first American marginalist as a social economist
- Rogério Arthmar, Michael Emmett Brady, Boole, Ramsey and the Keynes-Townshend exchanges on subjective probability
- Maria Eugénia Mata, José Rodrigues da Costa, David Justino, Finance, a New Old Science
- Tito Bianchi, In good intellectual company: how Judith Tendler interpreted and extended Albert Hirschman’s tradition
- Alexandru Patruti, Why the Keynes-Hayek Macro Debate Cannot be won by either Side
- A cura della Redazione, Book reviews
Issue 1/2018
- Werner Bonefeld, Stateless Money and State Power: Europe as ordoliberal Ordnungsgefüge
- Nikolay Nenovsky, Pencho Penchev, Between Enthusiasm and Skepticism: Bulgarian Economists and Europe (1878-1944)
- Malcolm Abbott, Productivity: a history of its measurement
- Anna La Bruna, Between Ricardo and Wagner: A Case Study on the History of Banking Legislation (1876-1879)
- Marco Dardi, Giacomo Becattini 1927-2017
- Book reviews