Issue 4/2017
- Marco Galvagno, Bibliometric literature review: An opportunity for marketing scholars
- Donata Tania Vergura, Beatrice Luceri, Predict excessive use of Massively Multi-Player Online Role-Playing Games: The role of social anxiety and identification with the character
- Silvia Grappi, Simona Romani, Consumer attitude toward reshoring: Related effects and relevant boundary conditions
- Barbara Del Bosco, Maria Cristina Morra, Valerio Veglio, Social media and firm performance: The voice of managers in European contexts
- Federica Ceccotti, Alberto Mattiacci, Costanza Nosi, Trends in marketing studies. A longitudinal analysis of leading Italian academic journals (2005-2015)
- Chiara Mauri, Angelo Di Gregorio, Alice Mazzucchelli, Isabella Maggioni, The employability of marketing graduates in the era of digitalisation and globalisation
- Daniela Corsaro, Disclosing the dark side of value processes in business relationships
- Andrea Buratti, Giancarlo Ferrero, Empirical evidence of Entrepreneurial Marketing Orientation from Italian firms
- A cura della Redazione, Book Reviews
Issue 3/2017
- Riccardo Resciniti, International Marketing or simply Marketing?
- Stefano Bresciani, Manlio Del Giudice, Marco Romano, Open innovation and customer-based development of new products
- Veronica Scuotto, Gabriele Santoro, Armando Papa, Elias G. Carayannis, Triggering open service innovation through social media networks
- Tindara Abbate, Angelo Presenza, Milena Viassone, The development of sustainable tourism through market-based sources of innovation in the "albergo diffuso"
- Roberto Bruni, Michela Matarazzo, Dus?an Mladenovic´ , Figure of Merit for places: Perspectives on place branding
- Rebecca Pera, Giampaolo Viglia, Can snacking be healthy? A comparison between coeliacs and health conscious food consumers
- Marcello Risitano, Rosaria Romano, Annarita Sorrentino, Michele Quintano, Evaluating tourist behaviour in sport mega-events through a structural equation model
- Marcello Risitano, Francesco Parola, Alessandra Turi, Marco Ferretti, Green practices in port authority management: A multiple case study
- Oronzo Trio, Antonio Iazzi, Consumers’ preferences in the estate market: An explorative research on the residential product
- Autori vari, Book Reviews
Issue 2/2017
- Tonino Pencarelli, Marketing in an experiential perspective: Toward the "Experience Logic"
- Marcello Sansone, Roberto Bruni, Annarita Colamatteo, Maria Anna Pagnanelli, Dynamic capabilities in retailers’ marketing strategies: Defining an analysis model
- Marcello Sansone, Roberto Bruni, Annarita Colamatteo, Maria Anna Pagnanelli, SIM Talk 2016: Retail - Consumptions - Digital
- Patrizia de Luca, Gabriella Schoier, Alice Vessio, Cause-Related Marketing and Trust: Empirical Evidence on Pinkwashing
- Vittoria Marino, Letizia Lo Presti, Towards an online approach to university public engagement: An exploratory analysis of website content
- Francesca De Canio, Marco Ieva, Cristina Ziliani, Beyond the "mobile versus PC" dichotomy: Profiling online shoppers based on device usage
- Michela C. Mason, Andrea Moretti, Francesco Raggiotto, Service Quality, Behavioural Intentions and Lipstick effect. Evidence from a Masstige context
- Umberto Martini, Federica Buffa, The links between territorial marketing, regional sustainability policies and the brand positioning of a small firm: An analysis of best practice in the dairy sector
- Gennaro Iasevoli, Reviews
- A cura della Redazione, Errata corrige Mercati & Competitività 2017, 1
Issue 1/2017
- Gaetano Aiello, Products moving along channels, consumers cross channels
- Enrico Bonetti, Michele Simoni, Introduction. New frontiers for competition: Outcomes from the 13th CIRCLE International conference
- Francesco Calza, Adele Parmentola, Ilaria Tutore, An open approach to develop green innovation. A case study analysis
- Monica Faraoni, Tommaso Pucci, Samuel Rabino, Lorenzo Zanni, Does brand market value affect consumer perception of brand origin in the purchasing process? The case of Tuscan wines
- Alex Bizzarri, Silvio Cardinali, Antonio Picciotti, Gian Luca Gregori, The evolution of fundraising in the Italian non profit context: The "Lega del Filo d’Oro" case
- Marco Ferretti, Eva Panetti, Adele Parmentola, Marcello Risitano, The port community system as a local innovation system: A theoretical framework
- Alessandra Mazzei, Silvia Ravazzani, Internal Branding and Employee Brand Consistent Behaviours: The Role of Enablement-Oriented Communication
- Stefano Pace, Matteo Corciolani, Giacomo Gistri, Consumers’ responses to ethical brand crises on social media platforms
- Cristina Zerbini, Donata Tania Vergura, Beatrice Luceri, Consumers’ intention to buy generic drugs: Evidences from the Italian setting
- Gennaro Iasevoli, Reviews
- A cura della Redazione, Referee 2016