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This section is dedicated to Institutions and libraries that may intend to buy magazines in various formats. 

Institutions (libraries, administrations, public offices, universities, research centres, companies, foundations and validated associations) can subscribe to our (printed) magazines by sending an e-mail ( or fax (+39.02-26141958) to our Magazines Office, indicating clearly the magazine name, the personal details of the subscriber (name, surname, address, postal code, e-mail, phone number). 
They can also ask for invoice.  The subscription is activated as soon as the payment for the current year is received. 

The following payment methods are available: 

- bank transfer to FrancoAngeli srl, Intesa-San Paolo, Ag. 1899 Milano, IBAN: IT94J0306909530100000001933
- Sending a cheque to Franco Angeli srl

For further information please contact:

To purchase magazine issues from past years or back issues, or for any other information, please contact: 

FrancoAngeli s.r.l. Ufficio Riviste viale Monza 106, 20127 Milano

(tel. +39-02-28371456 - Fax: +39-02-26141958).

Since 2013, Franco Angeli’s magazines are also available online with access to all the back issues available

Online access is reserved to Institutions (libraries, archives, research centres, public offices, public administration, associations, foundations, companies, trade unions) equipped with a protected network identified by a static IP. Access is made by identification and recognition of the authorised network (without limited number of users accessing simultaneously). 

By subscribing to specific licences, you can access online to: 
• Digital version of articles and eventual materials included in all the current and past issues available

Online access allows to: 
• research (by author, title, full-text); 
• visualize the document (corresponding to that of the printed version); 
• print, exclusively for personal use (study or research);  
• have access to subscribed issues on special conditions. 

Access to contents is made through Torrossa - Casalini Full Text Platform.

To protect our users (authors, readers, libraries) we have become members of two international associations - Clockss and Portico – conceived to guarantee future access to electronic academic publications and preserve them.  They are certified Repositories guaranteeing technological and format update to allow for a perpetual and exhaustive use of full texts. To know more, click here (CLOCKSS) and here (Portico).


Basic licence
Access from one physical location (adjoining rooms)
Documents print and visualization
Access to all back issues available
Expiry date: 365 days from subscription
(No reference to year of print of printed issues). 

Multi-location extension 
Access to more than one defined physical location
Documents print and visualization
Access to all back issues available
Expiry date: 365 days from subscription
(No reference to year of print of printed issues).

Click here to know: 

- terms, conditions, and costs of online-access basic licence for current issues 
- how to extend to more locations a basic access licence; 
- terms and conditions to activate more IPs for a single licence.

How to subscribe and have online access 
To ask for access only to the online version of each magazine, download the online form, fill it out and then send back two copies (with the general conditions of the agreement). Access will be activated within 30 days since payment notification of the licence. 

For further information: (or

Download the form for online access here


Legislative Council of Emilia Romagna; Bank of Italy; Chamber of Deputies and Senate of Italy; Cnel; Fondazione Spazio Reale; Istat; Istituto degli Innocenti Firenze; Venice University of Architecture; European University Institute; Luiss; Mediateca Provinciale in Matera; Cattolica del Sacro Cuore University in Milan; Luigi Bocconi University; University of Calabria; University of Bergamo; University of Brescia; University of Cagliari; University of  Enna; University of Ferrara; University of Messina; University of Milan Bicocca; University of Milano Statale; University of Naples Parthenope; University of Naples Federico II; University of Roma La Sapienza; University of Roma Tre; University of Salerno; University of Sassari; University of Teramo; University of Trento; University of Trieste; University of Chieti and Pescara; Hospital University of Ferrara.


New York Public Library; Columbia University; European Commission Bruxelles; Harvard University; New York University; Universidade de Lisboa; Universitat de Girona; University of Ottawa; Yale University.

Who is the provider of the online access service? 
Online access service (for current and back issues) is provided by Torrossa - Casalini Full Text Platform.

How and with whom are access licences subscribed? 
Access licences (inclusive of current and back issues) are subscribed exclusively with: Franco Angeli srl ( or with Casalini Libri spa (

Can an agent library subscribe online for one of its clients? 
No, the online subscription is a licence agreement signed between the subscriber and the publisher or its agent. 

What are the reading formats and the software required? 
All texts are in pdf and to display them, an internet connection is required as well as the free software Adobe® Reader 7.0 or following versions. The software is supported by Windows 2000, Windows XP, MacOS X v.10.2.8 and 10.3, Palm OS® 3.0 and following versions.

What researches can be done? 
By filling the title field, all results containing the inserted word – in the full or partial work, or article - are displayed. The author search displays the authors of parts of the work or articles. The full-text research identifies one or more words in the text. The research option button allows for more specific research and for the choice of the number of results to be displayed on the page (by default they are eight for each page). 

What uses are allowed and what DRM policies are applied? 
The user can print and display – for personal, educational and research purposes - a reasonable number of articles in single copy of each subscribed magazine (not the full magazine). For those resources that are not included in the licence, the user should purchase them – as a private user - to be able to display the full text of the requested article. 

What is forbidden? 
Recurrent downloading and printing of articles is not allowed. The sending of articles to third subjects is not allowed by any means (fax and e-mail included), as well as the general disclosure and spreading to the public (not belonging to the authorised institution), for free and upon request (libraries exchange services included). Citing and quoting are allowed, but altering or creating derivative works is forbidden.   

Is it possible to access more than one static IP? 
All licences include the activation of one static IP. In case of possession of more IPs (or consecutive static IPs ranges), it is possible to ask for more activations for each licence. In this case, during the first activation (or in case of following variations) a non-recurring contribution of €5, for activation costs, is asked for each IP (or consecutive static IPS ranges). For further information:

Are multi-location licences available?  
Yes, in addition to the basic licence (with access limited to authorised users, in one physical location circumscribed to adjoining rooms) an extension to more locations can be asked with different options (according to the number of locations and their position in the same or in a different municipality). 

What about universities? 
For universities, licences differentiated according to users are available. In these cases, it is also possible to extend the licence acquiring the faculty to guarantee: 1) remote access to authorized users by proxy server; 2) allow the copy of contents (partially and for personal usage) to authorized users. All licences guarantee perpetual access (to subscribed contents) to the subscriber thanks to the subscription to CLOCKSS and Portico. For conditions, fees and discounts, please consult the agreement terms and conditions (University pack). For further information, please contact:;

Who should I contact in case of online access problems? 
Please, contact

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