Forced migration, family, and separation: The case of Kurdish families in Italy

Journal title MONDI MIGRANTI
Author/s Gül Ince Beqo
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2023/3 Language English
Pages 14 P. 45-58 File size 237 KB
DOI 10.3280/MM2023-003003
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This article explores how the case of refugee families highlights the challenges faced by migrant families, particularly in the experience of transnational fami-ly-making. The analysis is based on two different ethnographic research, (2014-2016) and (2017-2018), which collected qualitative data by means of semi-structured interviews with first-generation Kurdish refugees. The results show that the experiences of ‘forced migration’ and ‘forced settlement’ affect family relationships mainly at the affective (ties and relationships) and norma-tive (roles and expectations) levels, and that at each migration stage the com-bination of these spheres changes, weighing differently on family relation-ships.

Keywords: Kurdish migration; forced migration; family.

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Gül Ince Beqo, Forced migration, family, and separation: The case of Kurdish families in Italy in "MONDI MIGRANTI" 3/2023, pp 45-58, DOI: 10.3280/MM2023-003003