The Idea of the Existent and the World Outside the Idea. On Schelling’s Presentation of the Natural Process of 1843/44.

Author/s Ludovica Neri
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2023/4
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 580-595 File size 161 KB
DOI 10.3280/SF2023-004004
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This text can be traced back to the manu-­ script of a Berlin lecture, originally entitled On the Principles of Philosophy, which was held during the winter semester of 1843/44. It is the only example of a systemati-­ cally coherent exposition on the philosophy of nature in Schelling’s later creative peri-­ od. In this manuscript, in which the philosophy of nature is presented as the first scien-­ tific part of the broader program of the “negative” or “purely rational philosophy”, Schelling develops an a priori ontology of the real in critical comparison with Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. The article examines some of the main features of Schelling’s later account of the philosophy of nature found in the Presentation of the Natural Process, focusing particularly on the topic, addressed in the first part of the manuscript, of the transition from the “idea of the existent” or “being”, which must be presupposed to all sciences, to the “world” which exists “outside the idea”.

Keywords: Schelling’s late philosophy, Schelling’s philosophy of nature, Schelling’s negative philosophy, concept of existence, ontology, metaphysics

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Ludovica Neri, L’idea dell’esistente e il mondo al di fuori dell’idea. Sull’Esposizione del processo della natura di Schelling del 1843/44 in "RIVISTA DI STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA" 4/2023, pp 580-595, DOI: 10.3280/SF2023-004004