Dall’here-and-now al now-for-next. Un esempio clinico

Author/s Lobb Margherita Spagnuolo
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2009/1
Language Italian Pages 21 P. 75-95 File size 145 KB
DOI 10.3280/GEST2009-001005
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From here-and-now to now-for-next. A clinical example - The article presents the transcription of a psychotherapeutic session, which makes it evident how gestalt therapy clinical has evolved through decades, from being centered into here-and-now and awareness to the support of now-for-next, of the client’s intentionality for contact. The here presented example shows how psychotherapy intervention is considered nowadays as a co-creation of the contact-boundary between therapist and client, a remake of the client’s painful relational schemas, more than as a way of integrating disowned aspects of the client. This new view of gestalt therapy clinical work allows us to develop procedural and relational aspects which characterize this approach since its origins, while other approaches are discovering them now.

Key words: co-creation, resilience, introjection, intentionality for contact, obsessivecompulsive, now-for-next, empty chair.

Parole chiave: Co-creazione, confine di contatto, resilienza, introiezione, intenzionalità di contatto, ossessivo-compulsivo, now-for-next, sedia vuota.

Lobb Margherita Spagnuolo, Dall’here-and-now al now-for-next. Un esempio clinico in "QUADERNI DI GESTALT" 1/2009, pp 75-95, DOI: 10.3280/GEST2009-001005