Le reti del Terzo Settore e la sfida per l’integrazione degli immigrati

Author/s Immacolata Vellecco, Alessandra Mancino
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/1 Language Italian
Pages 18 P. 155-172 File size 80 KB
DOI 10.3280/ED2015-001007
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Immigration is a matter of intense theoretical and political debate being predominantly legal and sociological. In the present work, the prospect focuses on services to facilitate the integration of migrants into the host society and the social nature of innovations made in Italy. After clarifying the concept of social integration of immigrants with reference to the system of relations in which it is carried out and with reference to the framework of policy that establishes the principle of non-discrimination of migrants in access to essential services, the work illustrates some innovations introduced in Italy to promote the integration of immigrants, setting them in the light of the debate on social innovation. In particular, attention is paid to both institutional innovation and to cultural mediation and services for job placement. Finally, within the theoretical framework aimed at highlighting the aims of cooperation and, at the same time, the development stages of innovation, the paper deals with the theme of collaboration for innovation, with reference to the main actors - among which the third sector organizations - and the evolutionary trajectories of partnerships themselves. Although the "social project" has been an organizational form that has been prevalent until now, in conclusions the need is noted to "capitalize" innovative experiences experimented, in a more general process of innovation in public services.

Keywords: Social innovation, migrations, social services.

Jel codes: O35, O38, H41

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Immacolata Vellecco, Alessandra Mancino, Le reti del Terzo Settore e la sfida per l’integrazione degli immigrati in "ECONOMIA E DIRITTO DEL TERZIARIO " 1/2015, pp 155-172, DOI: 10.3280/ED2015-001007