Il tirocinio universitario come setting espanso di apprendimento

Author/s Claudio Melacarne, Stefano Bonometti
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2014/2
Language Italian Pages 21 P. 147-167 File size 224 KB
DOI 10.3280/ERP2014-002010
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The Job Placement Practices (JPP) can be described as the specific actions aimed at supporting students to enter their professional lives, bringing students and employers together, planning experiences, inside and outside university, where students can meet local stakeholders and learn the knowledge and the competences which are useful in the complex contemporary economical context. Each University translates such activities in situated practices and activities that could involve the overall student community, or single students during and after their university experience. Traineeship and stage activities are considered good practices to support the students enter their work life (Susan, Matthew, Rosanne, Taylor, Ellis, 2012). Together with other actions, these activities are seen as the most promising Job Placement Practices to favour the meeting between work professional needs and students’ skills (Billett, Harteis, Etelapelto, 2008). This article describes two practices useful to improve new strategies to manage and to plan traineeship activities in higher educational courses.

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Claudio Melacarne, Stefano Bonometti, Il tirocinio universitario come setting espanso di apprendimento in "EDUCATIONAL REFLECTIVE PRACTICES" 2/2014, pp 147-167, DOI: 10.3280/ERP2014-002010