Relativism and conflict in Renato Treves’s thought

Author/s Bruno Bilotta
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/2 Language Italian
Pages 14 P. 115-128 File size 222 KB
DOI 10.3280/SD2018-002006
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Placing Renato Treves’s work between philosophy and sociology is as significant and appropriate as considering his work and the development of his thought, developed between two worlds that are apparently far away from each other: the European and the South-American one. In the author’s work, these worlds are so near to each other that they are not only comparable, but can even converge into a unique scientific adventure. This began in Italy, moved to Argentina, went back once again to Italy - namely, to Milan - and eventually spread again not only in South-America - and particularly in Argentina - but everywhere else. This does not come as a surprise if only one considers that Renato Treves long acted as an ambassador of the sociology of law in the entire world. He was aware that this discipline was fragile and grew thanks to the endeavours of meritorious thinkers, who tried hard to find an independent way from other spheres of scientific thought. It is not a case that both Durkheim and Weber were not - either scientifically or ideologically - sociologists at the beginning.

Keywords: Philosophy of Law - Sociology of Law - Renato Treves - Weber - Durkheim

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Bruno Bilotta, Relativismo e conflitto nel pensiero di Renato Treves in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 2/2018, pp 115-128, DOI: 10.3280/SD2018-002006