When conflict in couples is silent: reflections stirred by a case history on death drive

Journal title INTERAZIONI
Author/s Diana Norsa
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/1
Language Italian Pages 15 P. 119-133 File size 171 KB
DOI 10.3280/INT2019-001009
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In the current situation, a sense of loss of humanity can be seen in the discomfort expressed by many patients. In this case history of a couple with an adolescent daughter that develops delusional thoughts, the negative and positive hallucinations, as described by Green, emerge clearly in the failed effort of the family at understanding death thoughts that cannot be elaborated by each individual but float around the members in their not-representations and somatic non-experiences like in a shared unconscious dimension, as Kaës calls it, a psychic location created by each member separately and by the whole family at the same time. The task of the analyst is to be able to reassemble the overall picture in her mind; the vertex of the death drive can be useful to put together the many different levels of understanding of the clinical material.

Keywords: Death drive, negative and positive hallucinations, couple psychoanalysis, body, present unconscious, extended psyche.

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Diana Norsa, Quando il conflitto nella coppia è muto: riflessioni sulla pulsione di morte a partire da un caso clinico in "INTERAZIONI" 1/2019, pp 119-133, DOI: 10.3280/INT2019-001009