The other Oedipus or to deconstruct Bion that deconstructs the Oedi-pus

Journal title PSICOANALISI
Author/s Robert Oelsner
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2019/2
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 69-82 File size 184 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSI2019-002006
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In this article the author highlights elements of Bion’s life and work and relates them to his creative version of the Oedipus myth. The intellectual Oedipus, as Bléandonu called it, is thus also a portrait of Bion himself. Like in dream analysis Bion renders the elements of the myth free from the formal the classical narrative and reassembles them in a different fashion for new meanings to emerge: «myth and dream should be regarded as algebraic calculi and therefore as capable of yielding, after scrutiny, the tools that can interpret, through their suitability to represent a problem, the problem itself, and so open the way to its solution» (Bion, 1992, p. 230). The author shows how this "Other Oedipus" is intimately related to Bion’s theory of thinking and its deviations and a useful tool for psychoanalysts in their clinical work. The ap-plication of Bion’s formulations to the analysis of learning disorders as well as the develop-ment of thinking are the legacy that one of the great masters of psychoanalysis has left us to pursue.

Keywords: Reversal, psychosomatic, soma-psychotic, B-E-T-E-S, arrogance, omniscience, curiosity, knowledge, dismantlement, alpha function, counter-intelligence

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Robert Oelsner, L’altro Edipo ovvero decostruire Bion che decostruisce l’Edipo in "PSICOANALISI" 2/2019, pp 69-82, DOI: 10.3280/PSI2019-002006