La ricerca ha estratto dal catalogo 24 titoli

Antonella Poce, Francesco Agrusti

Il podcasting nello strumentario dell'istruzione in rete.

Verifica sperimentale delle nuove opportunità

Il volume presenta un esempio di come, attraverso la verifica dell’efficacia di nuovi strumenti didattici, sia possibile favorire lo sviluppo di nuove soluzioni educative struttturali che durino nel tempo. Il progetto sull’utilizzo del Podcasting nell’istruzione universitaria fornisce contributi sulla valutazione effettuata attraverso strumenti quali il questionario, l’intervista e l’analisi lessicometrica.

cod. 1326.5.4

Francesco Agrusti, Cinzia Angelini, Antonella Poce, Gabriella Agrusti

Research in progress


Fascicolo: 1 / 2010

This paper aims at illustrating a research about the development of software prototypes for automated production of cloze tests (LexMeter) and for the automated modulation of course texts that could match up the real reader verbal competences (Adapter). The verbal competences are defined starting directly from texts’ lexicon and language. We assumed that the virtual reader knows and fully comprehends the meaning of the words included in texts. In this contribution it is discussed what is "behind" the planning of this software, illustrating both its technological and linguistic features. After the definition of the language model, based on lexical and descriptive-statistical aspects, it is described how the automated estimator and the text adapter were designed.