Elena Fasano Guarini, Renzo Sabbatini

Repubblicanesimo e repubbliche nell'Europa di antico regime

Il volume, frutto di un convegno sulla pluralità dei linguaggi repubblicani, spazia dalla rassegna critica dei più recenti studi sul repubblicanesimo al rapporto tra politica e Bibbia, al legame tra inquietudini religiose e linguaggi repubblicani, e si sofferma sulla Rivoluzione inglese vista da Genova e Venezia, sul modello olandese letto alla luce della fallimentare esperienza fiorentina, sulla peculiare “res publica” polacca, sulle tre repubbliche italiane di età moderna Venezia, Genova e Lucca.

cod. 871.8

Luca Baccelli

Diritti senza fondamento


Fascicolo: 2 / 2000

Luigi Ferrajoli's argument starts with a strictly formal definition of fundamental rights. This approach seems to imply that the search for an "absolute foundation" of rights is impossible, and not useful. On the other hand, Ferrajoli maintains that his definition "founds" key substantive theses on equality, property, democracy, and citizenship. But in his replies, Ferrajoli admits that the expression "to found" is too strong. A second issue is related to the universality of fundamental rights. In Ferrajoli's theory, such rights are "universal" in that they belong to a universal class of subjects. But their validity is not accepted by the universality of human beings: the language of rights bears the signs of Western legal culture. The translation of that language in other idioms is problematic, and the universalistic approach presents important risks. Ferrajoli's recognition of the links between the language of rights and social and political conflicts should be radicalized. The recognition fits with the active character of rights, as expressions of the activity of claiming, and opens a possible path to inter-cultural dialogue. This recognition alludes also to a "political" conception of citizenship, immune from particularism and not exclusive.

Luca Baccelli, Adriano Fabris

A partire da Kant

L'eredità della «Critica della ragion pratica»

cod. 495.35