La regolamentazione del lobbyng parlamentare: esperienze straniere e prospettive per l'Italia

Autori/Curatori Silvia Fedeli, Maria Fabiana Viola
Anno di pubblicazione 1 Fascicolo 2000/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 23 P. Dimensione file 62 KB
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This article analyses how the issue of regulating parliamentary lobbying has been afforded in different countries. Two broad approaches emerge: (i) in the US, here lobbying is a recognised constitutional right, the recent regulation mainly provides for the disclosure of lobbying activities to influence the public decision-making process. This is pursued by means of a strict assessment of the interest groups’ activities with both the legislative and executive branches of the Federal Government; (ii) in Europe lobbying has been associated to corruption of public officials. As a consequence, lobbying regulation has been intended mainly as the means for preventing corruption originated by the activities of pressure groups. This, in turn, requires auditing of the receptors of such activities. We point out the advantages and isadvantages of the mentioned approaches on which basis we analyse the different «attempts» to regulating parliamentary lobbying in Italy.;

Silvia Fedeli, Maria Fabiana Viola, La regolamentazione del lobbyng parlamentare: esperienze straniere e prospettive per l'Italia in "ECONOMIA PUBBLICA " 2/2000, pp , DOI: