Cosa sappiamo dell'economia sommersa in Italia al di là dei luoghi comuni? Alcune proposizioni empiricamente fondate

Autori/Curatori Maurizio Bovi, Laura Castellucci
Anno di pubblicazione 2001 Fascicolo 2001/6
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 43 P. Dimensione file 171 KB
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It is commonly thought that the underground economy is larger in Italy than in most other developed countries and that it is growing. Using several methods of measuring it we find no sound empirical support for such view but rather that the underground economy seems to fluctuate around a stable mean. We find instead confirmation of the widespread view of a larger underground economy in the southern Regions of the country than in the center-north. We develop an appropriate methodology for arriving at size estimations by Regions. Finally we claim that the differences between the south and the center-north are not limited to the size of the underground economy but extend to its nature and motivations, thus reaffirming the dualism of the country and calling for regional, as opposed to national, policy interventions. JEL O17, E60, H26;

Maurizio Bovi, Laura Castellucci, Cosa sappiamo dell'economia sommersa in Italia al di là dei luoghi comuni? Alcune proposizioni empiricamente fondate in "ECONOMIA PUBBLICA " 6/2001, pp , DOI: