Evoluzione di modelli e strumenti della psicologia della salute nel sistema sanitario

Autori/Curatori Anna Maria Zotti
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2008/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 12 P. 95-106 Dimensione file 652 KB
DOI 10.3280/PDS2008-003008
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Update on the health psychology model and interventions for the public health system - The paper presents the professional written report developed by the community of health psychologists working in the Piedmont region. We indicate the legal and ethical reasons which support the need to make psychological activities clear and transparent. These activities refer to the theoretical and operational background, to the communication with the clients, to the organization and to all of the other helping professionals interventions. The professional written report, by the means of web technology, makes as possible the professional visibility, the inter-communication and the quantification of the different psychological activities paid in the in-and out-patients settings. The final result is the alloca-tion of the resources on the basis of cost-benefit relationship, in response to the strategical aims of the public health system. Key words: psychological written report, web-tech.;

Anna Maria Zotti, Evoluzione di modelli e strumenti della psicologia della salute nel sistema sanitario in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 3/2008, pp 95-106, DOI: 10.3280/PDS2008-003008