Deprivazione relativa e identità sociale

Titolo Rivista DiPAV - QUADERNI
Autori/Curatori Massimo Martini
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/24
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 18 P. 141-158 Dimensione file 487 KB
DOI 10.3280/DIPAV2009-024010
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Deprivazione relativa e identità sociale - This work analyzes the relationships between the Relative Deprivation Model and the Social Identity Theory. In the first part, different definitions of the concept of relative deprivation are presented, as well as its different typologies. In the second part, the theoretical and empirical links between the Relative Deprivation Modell and the processes of social identification are examined. Finally, the importance of the relationship between the two theories for the prevision of interindividual and intergroup strategies in social comparison is highlighted.;

Massimo Martini, Deprivazione relativa e identità sociale in "DiPAV - QUADERNI" 24/2009, pp 141-158, DOI: 10.3280/DIPAV2009-024010