Le politiche di qualità nel comparto vitivinicolo in Spagna, il mercato dei VQPRD

Autori/Curatori Giuseppe Di Vita
Anno di pubblicazione 2006 Fascicolo 2004/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 22 P. Dimensione file 143 KB
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Spain, with France, Italy and Portugal was one of the first country to codify the modalities of quality wine productions, trough specific regulations. Nowadays the Spanish viticulture, as happens in the other ones of the Mediterranean Europe, while the areas and the production are decreasing, it is experimenting an increasing of production and consumption of quality wine. This paper analyses the volume of selling on the Spanish market and on the export market, that have in the quality wine a product be able to bear the concurrence of powerful competitors.;

Giuseppe Di Vita, Le politiche di qualità nel comparto vitivinicolo in Spagna, il mercato dei VQPRD in "ECONOMIA AGRO-ALIMENTARE" 1/2004, pp , DOI: