Katia Giusepponi, Ernesto Tavoletti

Top startups worldwide.

An investigation on entrepreneurial and organisational profiles

Research into entrepreneurial factors of success and failure continuously improves through observing and studying new players in the business world. This work focuses on top startups in the world and seeks to understand their current habitat, what they excel in, and also the challenges awaiting them. Based on technology and knowledge, the high-value startups analysed here capture and facilitate global tendencies, leveraging interconnectivity and sharing.

cod. 10365.31

Carlo Cipriani

Economia e management delle imprese calzaturiere.

Prospettive e strumenti per la competitività dell'industria marchigiana

L’internazionalizzazione delle imprese, ovvero l’apertura verso i nuovi mercati globali, si conferma ancora una volta la strada giusta da percorrere verso la crescita, e il mondo delle calzature marchigiano ne è la riprova più significativa.

cod. 1820.251