Arnaldo Spallacci

Autavalutazione delle scuole e valutazione di sistema. Ruolo e competenze di chi valuta dall’interno

RIV Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione

Fascicolo: 61 / 2015

Despite its long history, schools’ self-evaluation in Italy, does not represent a practice widespread diffused. After the emanation of Autonomia scolastica Act (1999) some pioneering schools, especially in the North of Italy, have started self-evaluation processes. These experiences, however, have not produced a shared technical knowledge neither professionals who are able to manage, autonomously, the evaluation processes. Very sophisticated models and the dominant role of external consultants during planning and evaluation phases represent the likely causes that have led to this situation. This situation is now changing following the implementation of the National Evaluation System (SNV). In this perspective, following the requirements of large-based assessments and standardized evaluations a new problem has perceived by schools: how is it possible to define the evaluator role and his/her professional training and development. The external characterization of this evaluation represents a risk for the Italian schools because they can be reduced to play a second plan role. At the same time, the SNV has introduced new elements of uniformity and standardization in the evaluation process that allow a first comparison between schools and the implementation of Development Plans based on data and aware evidence.

Serafina Pastore, Michela Freddano, Arnaldo Spallacci


RIV Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione

Fascicolo: 61 / 2015

Arnaldo Spallacci, Eleonora Verdini

Laureati a Bologna

Immagine sociale e condizione lavorativa dei laureati dell'Università di Bologna

cod. 2000.455