Franco Melandri, Salvo Vaccaro

Post-anarchismo in discussione


Fascicolo: 54 / 2015

Since some years, in the political philosophy realm connected with the anarchist thought, some scholars are elaborating a way to innervate into its theoretical corpus some suggestions coming from not strictly anarchist horizons, like French post-structuralism, deconstructionism, critical theory, and so on. These strategies of thinking are labelled as post-anarchism or newanarchism, and they are the task to renew the classic, anarchist narrative and criticism in order to understand in a way more crucially the present time and, furtherly, to individuate those lines of excess which are tending towards a libertarian affirmation of anti-authoritarian, nothierarchical and differential equalitarian practices of anarchism.

Cosa vuol dire ragione laica, etica laica, stato laico, capacità di partecipare laicamente alla cosa pubblica? Cercando di raccogliere la grande varietà di stimoli, inviti, provocazioni che oggi si addensano intorno alla questione laicità, il volume tenta di dare vita a un colloquio volto a superare pregiudizi e a lasciare emergere dubbi e tensioni.

cod. 772.6

Fabio Magni, Salvo Vaccaro

Oltre la pace

Saggi di critica al complesso politico-militare

cod. 1460.24