Northern League revisionism 150 years after national unification

Author/s Anna Di Qual
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/274
Language Italian Pages 38 P. 120-157 File size 1158 KB
DOI 10.3280/IC2014-274005
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The 150th anniversary of united Italy offers a good viewpoint to enquiry into the crisis that since the early Nineties has been sweeping over the value system underlying the Italian collective memory, reaching its apex just then in 2011. The stand of the Northern League, a government party at the time, fiercely averse to the commemorations of the Italian state foundation, is but a symptom of such crisis and constitutes the main factor of discontinuity with respect to the previous jubilees. Examining the newspaper "La Padania" and the literary production therein proposed, the A. tries to interpret the manifold meanings of the League opposition and of its counteroffers in terms of identity and symbolic values, to end with a scan of the League positions concerning the Risorgimento and post-unitarian Italy, in order to understand the political use of history practiced by the Carroccio.

Keywords: Northern League (Carroccio), political use of history, Northern League revisionism, 150th anniversary of Italian Unity, Risorgimento, Italian national memory

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Anna Di Qual, Revisionismo leghista a 150 anni dall’unità d’Italia in "ITALIA CONTEMPORANEA" 274/2014, pp 120-157, DOI: 10.3280/IC2014-274005