Let’s DU_It! Urban Design in Italy. Towards a possible definition

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Laura Montedoro
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2018/87 Language Italian
Pages 6 P. 13-18 File size 831 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2018-087002
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Which practices, what knowledge, what references do we consider when we talk about ‘disegno urbano’? If the English expression ‘urban design’ can easily be reconnected to a well-identified cultural genealogy, and also investigated by historiography, its italian translation " uncertain between ‘progetto urbano’ and ‘disegno urbano’ " appears much more ambiguous. Is there an Italian cultural specificity in the declension of this expression? In the absence of a declared epistemological status, how can we define it? Are dimensions of the project that can be described as urban design practices still recognizable today? And what role do they have in the transformation of the city? Around these questions, a group of researchers has built a research program that investigates the theme in the history of the twentieth century and in the present. The essays collected in this report present some methodological questions and anticipations of the results of the research.

Keywords: Urban design; urban project; shape of the city

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Laura Montedoro, Let’s DU_It! Il Disegno Urbano in Italia. Verso una possibile definizione in "TERRITORIO" 87/2018, pp 13-18, DOI: 10.3280/TR2018-087002