Sostegno precoce alla genitorialità: l’home visiting in un’esperienza territoriale

Author/s Marianna Giordano, Gabriella Bismuto, Chiara Capasso, Maria Cristina Castaldo, Nicoletta Gasparini
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2017/1
Language Italian Pages 11 P. 133-143 File size 170 KB
DOI 10.3280/MAL2017-001008
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Home Visiting (HV) according to national and international literature is considered a privileged tool of prevention, among the general strategies of psychosocial and cultural support intervention to parenthood not only in social risk. Crucial is the strengthening of the relationship mother/child from the earliest stages of life and the comparison with a tutor for effective support. Based on this evidence, the territorial experience contained in the article describes 50 cases followed up prospectively. The strengths of HV are underlined as well as the formation and supervision of the équipe of intervention and opportunities integration with the network, which sometimes allowed the taking charge and the solution of social and health problems.

Keywords: Home visiting, mother-child relationship, équipe, prevention.

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Marianna Giordano, Gabriella Bismuto, Chiara Capasso, Maria Cristina Castaldo, Nicoletta Gasparini, Sostegno precoce alla genitorialità: l’home visiting in un’esperienza territoriale in "MALTRATTAMENTO E ABUSO ALL’INFANZIA" 1/2017, pp 133-143, DOI: 10.3280/MAL2017-001008