La saggezza selvatica di Zarathustra

Autori/Curatori Luisa Bonesio
Anno di pubblicazione 2001 Fascicolo 2001/10
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 17 P. Dimensione file 64 KB
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The essay analyzes Nietzsche's reasons for choosing the name of the Persian prophet, tracing the reasons of consistency with his philosophy of loyalty with the earth and of the going-beyond of the human-too human in to a wider cosmic region. The analysis conducted on Thus Spoke Zarathustra put into relief the idea of a thought that needs to fulfill the task of resituating the position of man in relation to himself and to nature; a thought which is able to give singularity a place in the epoch of the masses. The world of nihilism is looked at from above, from the disidentifying distance of the one who has given himself to the bush, who has become the 'inhabitant of the woods', from where he derives his 'untamed wisdom' which can grasp the connection of all its aspects, looking elsewhere at the time of a new alliance between man and the earth.;

Luisa Bonesio, La saggezza selvatica di Zarathustra in "SOCIETÀ DEGLI INDIVIDUI (LA)" 10/2001, pp , DOI: