Tendenze evolutive del comparto ortivo nell'Italia meridionale

Autori/Curatori Antonio Asciuto, Teresa Cirivello, Emanuele Schimmenti
Anno di pubblicazione 2002 Fascicolo 2001/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 24 P. Dimensione file 56 KB
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The paper aims to illustrate the trends of the Gross Agricultural Product for the horticultural sector of the regions in southern Italy, these crops playing a significant role in the agro-food sector both at national and regional level. The raw data, provided by INEA, refer to the 1980-1996 period, and in particular to the three-year periods 1980-1982 and 1994-1996. They have been processed by means of the “Shift and Share Analysis”, a technique which has been adopted in past works dealing both with the agricultural and forestry sector in Italy. The analysis has been carried out by using both current and constant (year 1988) prices. In view of the disaggregation of the regional growth into three different components (national growth, structure and regional growth), the results obtained are quite diversified, also due to the high number of regions involved and to the wide set of crops included. On a whole, both from the analysis at current and at constant prices a picture emerged where some regions, such as Calabria, Sardinia, Sicily and Puglia, reported satisfying values of the components, whereas for all the remaining ones just slightly positive or even negative results were derived. In conclusion, information obtained from the analysis, not without theoretical and practical limitations, may, however, provide useful indications on the guidelines to be followed in the field of regional agricultural policies addressed towards the horticultural sector.;

Antonio Asciuto, Teresa Cirivello, Emanuele Schimmenti, Tendenze evolutive del comparto ortivo nell'Italia meridionale in "ECONOMIA AGRO-ALIMENTARE" 1/2001, pp , DOI: