
Autori/Curatori Edoardo Fittipaldi
Anno di pubblicazione 2003 Fascicolo 2002/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 15 P. Dimensione file 157 KB
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Hans Albert has used German expressions such as Verhaltenswirksamkeit einer Norm and verhaltenswirksame Norm to refer to norms which somehow affect actions. A norm can therefore be called verhaltenswirksam not only in some cases of compliance, but also in some cases of behaviour that is non-compliant or insignificant (from the point of view of some author of the norm), such as in the famous instance of Max Weber’s thief. Amedeo G. Conte has proposed translating verhaltenswirksam and Verhaltenswirksamkeit into Italian as praxeotropico and praxeotropismo respectively. In this article, Fittipaldi tries to analyse the re-lations among the usage of these words and the usage of other technical expres-sions of the sociology of law such as norma (norm), enunciato normativo (normative proposition), efficacia (efficacy), (nomotropismo ) etc.;

Edoardo Fittipaldi, Praxeotropismo in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 3/2002, pp , DOI: