Sesso, genere e identità: il conributo dei Gender Studies

Autori/Curatori Isabella Crespi
Anno di pubblicazione 2006 Fascicolo 2006/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 38 P. 51-88 Dimensione file 268 KB
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Sex, gender and identity are the core issues of this paper. The relationship among these concepts is analyzed by the author in the light of the wide and multidisciplinary paramount of those approaches collected in the tradition of the so-called gender studies. The author illustrates the main theoretical approaches to the sex/gender debate. Finally she suggests to pay attention to the need for a new relational approach to gender issues and to its potentialities for further developments in gender studies.;

Isabella Crespi, Sesso, genere e identità: il conributo dei Gender Studies in "SOCIOLOGIA E POLITICHE SOCIALI" 3/2006, pp 51-88, DOI: