Rappresentazioni, narrazioni: il cinema, la storia la psicoanalisi

Titolo Rivista IKON
Autori/Curatori Pietro Rizzi
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2006/53
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 20 P. 209-228 Dimensione file 588 KB
DOI 10.3280/IKR2006-053008
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Rappresentazioni, narrazioni: il cinema, la storia la psicoanalisi - The aim of this paper is to examine the relationships between representations and narratives about the past, in the fields of cinema, history and psychoanalysis. In fact, those three areas of knowledge and communication have a common issue: i.e. to make the past become a living, present experience. However, they fail this purpose because they are basically anachronistic, i.e. they lie in another place, another time from the represented facts of the past as it really was. The main exemple of this problem is the cinema’s attempt to show the world of the past by visual means. Narratives are the only issue to make the narrow sense of the past come out. Rather, it is the field of the game, where only illusion and allusion can recreate an acceptable shadow of the past. Cinema, history and psichoanalysis play their role in this never ending path.;

Pietro Rizzi, Rappresentazioni, narrazioni: il cinema, la storia la psicoanalisi in "IKON" 53/2006, pp 209-228, DOI: 10.3280/IKR2006-053008