Un sogno lungo un confine. Indagine sulla migrazione illegale delle donne messicane negli stati uniti

Autori/Curatori Antonella Aloia
Anno di pubblicazione 2004 Fascicolo 2004/73
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 18 P. Dimensione file 70 KB
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Although women are a wide percentage of Mexican immigrants in the USA, the feminine migration has disregarded. Some experts believe this short attention is due to their being passive reactors to male decisions and their little share in work. But, in the last years, woman is beginning to be considered as a social subject who acts in different domestic and economic contexts and who can keep alive family traditions. Moreover, in this last period, Mexican women don’t arrive necessarily in the USA by their husbands and their family’s side. This work rebuilds different stages of the feminine migration in the American territory, the modalities of adaptation, the uneasiness that women immigrants have to face in the new reality and reasons that induce to migrate, like the economic one.;

Antonella Aloia, Un sogno lungo un confine. Indagine sulla migrazione illegale delle donne messicane negli stati uniti in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 73/2004, pp , DOI: