La società civile neorepubblicana nella prospettiva della trasformazione democratica

Autori/Curatori Raffaella Sau
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 7 P. 23-29 Dimensione file 98 KB
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Neorepublican Civil Society in the Light of Democratic Change - Neo-republicanism view civil society as a set of (individual and collective) actors in symmetric relationships within the same sphere of action as that in which the State operates, for the protection of shared values and common interests, and on the basis of virtuous practices in both individual behaviour and the political process. The aim of the essay is to assess whether this outlook is compatible with the claims of pluralistic societies, characterized by an increasing lack of cultural homogeneity. In this sense, a problem is the neo-republican emphasis on belonging to the community, an aspect that can hardly go along with the conditions of contemporary societies. The major reason behind this is that the contemporary version of republicanism is based on the idea of preserving a shared form of ethos, i.e., a type of protection and conservation of a cultural and axiological homogeneity considered as a condition for social integration.;

Raffaella Sau, La società civile neorepubblicana nella prospettiva della trasformazione democratica in "TEORIA POLITICA" 2/2008, pp 23-29, DOI: