Governance e diritto ambientale

Autori/Curatori Matteo Ceruti
Anno di pubblicazione 2003 Fascicolo 2002/68
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 24 P. Dimensione file 179 KB
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The governance is frequently claimed where social conflicts are wide and complex, as for environment, with specific reference to location procedures for settlements, high-impact infrastructures on habitat and high risk industries. The Author analyses why the governance is so urgent in the field of environmental law. He deals topics as the access to environmental information, the environment impact assessment and the problem of defence before the administrative judges. Then, the Author evaluates the real extension of governance in the field. The result is clear: in Italy the specific rules lack but there are many bureaucratic obstacles during the phases of preliminary advertising and access to acts and projects. Moreover, the stakeholders have not room for intervention and the public auditing affects only a little the final decisions.;

Matteo Ceruti, Governance e diritto ambientale in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 68/2002, pp , DOI: