L'immaginario della marca e gli strumenti per la sua costruzione

Autori/Curatori Ariela Mortare
Anno di pubblicazione 2006 Fascicolo 2005/99
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 12 P. Dimensione file 34 KB
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The paper analyses the concept of ‘fictional world’ that a brand builds around itself. In a hypercompetitive market a brand needs to differentiate its way of expression; one of the possibilities is the adoption of a fictional world that can be shared by consumers. Such a world has its actors, its narratives, its spaces and times that are build mainly trough advertising, that creates a if-world which consumers recognise as unique and typical. Nowadays enterprises can use other means to the construction and definition of a fictitious world: the point of purchase and the Internet. Concept store, flagship store and new retailing forms represent, indeed, a new meaningful space where brands and consumers meet and the Internet allows consumers, sharing the same enthusiasm for a brand, to meet and debate in a virtual place (brand communities).;

Ariela Mortare, L'immaginario della marca e gli strumenti per la sua costruzione in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 99/2005, pp , DOI: