The paradox of overcontrol, perfectionism and self-criticism: A cases series on gifted students

Author/s Simone Cheli, Veronica Cavalletti
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/48
Language Italian Pages 15 P. 59-73 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/qpc48-2021oa12141
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The objective of this pilot-study is to report the preliminary results of a specifically designed therapy for gifted students enrolled in highly competitive PhD programs. We outlined a case series design (n=7), with initial, final, and 1-month follow-up assessments.Inclusion criteria were: to be a student in an international PhD program; to be defined as a gifted student (at least one WAIS-IV Index =130); to be diagnosed with a personality disorder in accordance with DSM-5 Alternative Model of Personality Disorders. Primary outcomes were general symptomatology, social disconnection, and personality disorder severity.Secondary outcomes were the presumed therapeutic targets: overcontrol, perfectionism, and self-criticism. The intervention was a 6-month third wave cognitive behavioral therapy aimed at promoting adaptive self-soothing and metacognitive strategies. At the end of the intervention all the participants showed reliable changes in both primary and secondary outcomes.

Keywords: ; gifted student; overcontrol; perfectionism; self-criticism; compassion; metacognition

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Simone Cheli, Veronica Cavalletti, The paradox of overcontrol, perfectionism and self-criticism: A cases series on gifted students in "QUADERNI DI PSICOTERAPIA COGNITIVA" 48/2021, pp 59-73, DOI: 10.3280/qpc48-2021oa12141