Dialogues on Design.

A cura di: Luca Guerrini, Paolo Volontè

Dialogues on Design.

Notes on Doctoral Research in Design 2018

This book presents the most updated developments of design research in the form of six dialogues between scholars of the Politecnico di Milano and international scholars. Each dialogue focuses on a specific topic recently addressed on the Politecnico di Milano’s PhD programme: the role of users, social innovation, fashion design, colour design, interaction design and urban design.

Pages: 174

ISBN: 9788891767738

Edizione:1a edizione 2018

Publisher code: 319.5

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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Pages: 174

ISBN: 9788891776129

Edizione:1a edizione 2018

Publisher code: 319.5

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

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A dialogue is not just a conversation. It is not about establishing the truth: a temporary, fragile, and often deceptive one. A dialogue is not a matter of winning an argument but of looking at different opinions and making them interact and cross-fertilise. Dialogues have an extraordinary capacity to draw energy from people's differences and channel it towards something new.
This book presents the most updated developments of design research in the form of six dialogues between scholars of the Politecnico di Milano and international scholars. Each dialogue focuses on a specific topic recently addressed on the Politecnico di Milano's PhD programme: the role of users, social innovation, fashion design, colour design, interaction design and urban design.
Accordingly, the book deals with a variety of topical issues for designers, such as recent forms of co-design and co-creation as well as design in relation to the Internet of Things and smart cities. It also addresses more problematic, controversial issues, such as the tyranny of the "thin ideal" in fashion design and the influence of social dynamics in determining the meaning and use of design products.
Many perspectives, then, are brought together to depict the challenges facing design, and especially design research, over the coming years.

Luca Guerrini is associate professor of Interior Design at the Politecnico di Milano's Department of Design. He is a former director of the PhD programme in Design and is in charge of the joint degree programme in Design offered by the Politecnico di Milano and Tsinghua University, Beijing. He has acted as consultant to the National Museum of Architecture in Ferrara. Author of books and essays, his current research interests focus on the notion of design, the relationship between design and the arts, and design research methodologies.

Paolo Volonté is associate professor of Sociology at the Politecnico di Milano's Department of Design. He is a former president and co-founder of STS Italia (the Italian Society for Science and Technology Studies) and co-editor of the International Journal of Fashion Studies. His main research topics are in the fields of fashion studies, design studies, and the sociology of knowledge. He is the author of books and journal articles on the fashion system, the sociology of science, and the theories of German sociologists and philosophers.

Luca Guerrini, Paolo Volonté, Six dialogues on contemporary design
Francesco Trabucco, The beauty of things
The role of users in the design process
Elizabeth B.-N. Sanders, Design serving people: Innovation through co-creation
(Who does design serve?; Who does innovation serve?; Some thoughts on terminology; Changes in the design and development process; New roles for designers and the people that they serve; Awareness of various levels of value in co-designing; New tools for co-creation and co-designing; Conclusions)
Giuseppe Andreoni, Pelin Arslan, Fiammetta Costa, Marcello Fusca, Marco Mazzola, Sabrina Muschiato, Paolo Perego, Maximiliano Romero, Carlo Emilio Standoli, Giorgio Vignati, A multidisciplinary approach to user-centered design: Case studies in health care
(Introduction; Disability workplace development; Children's environment design; Ageing monitoring and assistance system; Conclusions)
The commitment to social innovation
Tuuli Mattelmäki, Empathic design in new relationships
(Designing platforms for action; Keeping up the curiosity; Sensitivities in empathic design)
Anna Meroni, Daria Cantù, Daniela Selloni, Giulia Simeone, Co-designing services in community-centered design: Conviviality and participatory prototyping
(Introduction; Framing the issue: Community-centered design, social innovation and design for services; Designing for food systems; A system under transformation; Designing for place development through participatory prototyping; Discussion: Community-centered design and service prototyping)
The social meaning of clothing
Joanne Turney, In the hood - Clothing the criminal or the horror of the "hoodie"
Paolo Volonté,
When practices harden: The mystery of plus-size fashion
(Research question: Why are plus sizes marginalized by the fashion industry?; Kinds of practice and design; The sizing system; The exclusion of fat bodies from the world of fashion; The practice of thinness; Conclusions)
The significance of colours
Stephen Westland, Colour semiotics
(Introduction; Colour harmony; Colour preference; Colour forecasting; Colour semiotics; Colour and the design process)
Mario Bisson, Colours: Notes on a multifaceted culture
(The study of colour; Colour design)
The potential of interaction design
Massimo Botta, Giovanni Profeta, Towards the information visualisation of connected objects
(Introduction; Capabilities of connected objects; Relationships between the object, the network, and the human being; Visualising connected objects)
Raffaella Trocchianesi, Game, hypertext, performance: New paradigms in museums and cities
(Interferences, displacements and ubiquity in the new stratified city; Museum and city: Crossed paths by new technologies; Designing cultural experience: New paradigms; Conclusions)
The role of design in transforming cityscapes
Carlo Ratti, Senseable city
Giovanna Piccinno, Heterotopic cities
(Other spaces; New urban scenarios; Heterotopic, virtual and self-sufficient cities)
Luca Guerrini, The disciplinary core and borders of design in a changing world.

Contributors: Giuseppe Andreoni, Pelin Arslan, Mario Bisson, Massimo Botta, Daria Cantù, Fiammetta Costa, Marcello Fusca, Tuuli Mattelmaki, Marco Mazzola, Anna Meroni, Sabrina Muschiato, Paolo Perego, Giovanna Piccinno, Giovanni Profeta, Carlo Ratti, Maximiliano Romero, Elizabeth B. Sanders, Daniela Selloni, Giulia Simeone, Carlo Emilio Standoli, Francesco Trabucco, Raffaella Trocchianesi, Joanne Turney, Giorgio Vignati, Stephen Westland

Serie: Design International

Subjects: Industrial Design - Interior and Furniture Design - Technology and Materials for Design - Service Design and Experience Design

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