New models of governance and health system integration

A cura di: Fosco Foglietta, Franco Toniolo

New models of governance and health system integration

The re-interpretation of local governance in the health-care system is an important social stimulus and also the sign of the growing importance of the community welfare. At the same time, it represents a hallmark of different forms of integration: institutional, professional and social.

Pages: 304

ISBN: 9788820407698

Edition: 1a edizione 2012

Publisher code: 1341.48

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 304

ISBN: 9788856861631

Edizione:1a edizione 2012

Publisher code: 1341.48

Can print: No

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Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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Governance in the health-care system is based on participation at different levels: from social participation to institutional participation. The re-interpretation of local governance is an important social stimulus and also the sign of the growing importance of the community welfare. At the same time, the re-interpretation of local governance represents a hallmark of different forms of integration: institutional integration, professional integration and social integration. Downsides and virtues of this system are analyzed and compared under the different regional models, also taking into consideration the national and the European context.

Fosco Foglietta is president of the board of directors for the company CUP2000 and served as General Director for some Health Authorities of the Emilia-Romagna Region for eleven years.
As vice-president of the FIASO, Italian Federation of the Hospitals and Health Authorities, he promoted the bank of best practices. He is Visiting Professor at the Universities of Bologna and Ferrara, professor of the masters of healthcare law at SPISA and healthcare management at CESTAS onlus for the developing countries. He is the author of six books and more than one hundred of articles on scientific journals focused on health planning and management.
Franco Toniolo was regional secretary of the health and social department of the Veneto region and responsible of the main technical secretary of the Commissions of the regional Councillors for Health and Social Welfare within the Italian Conference of the Regions. He was the president of the Agency for the Regional Health Services from 1999 to 2005. He realised numerous international activities for studies, research and teaching and is the author of more than two hundreds of publications, especially on journals. Currently he is director at Veneto Formss (training school for health and social care management) and coordinates the "national network" of the regional schools for health and social care management.

Fulvio Moirano, Preface
Valerio Alberti,
Fosco Foglietta,
Giovanni Bertin, Welfare and health systems models: commonalities and peculiarities
Luca Fazzi, Healthcare Governance and Voluntary Associations in Italy: an Overview
Mauro Moruzzi, My Page, My Home and Electronic Health Dossier. Notes for a New Business Governance
Fausta Martino, Changing regional trends
Round table with: Giuseppe Noto, Mario Romeri, Mario Modolo
Michele Marzulli, Towards a network model? Reflections on regional social and health models of governance
Davide Galesi, Community Governance between Techniques of Analysis and Decision-Making Mediation
Vincenza Pellegrino, Maria Augusta Nicoli, What does citizens' participation teach about the re-organization process of health care services?
Silvia Cervia, Democratic paradigm and participation in the health sector: the Tuscan case
Sergio Severino, Paolo Di Venti, From Autoreferentiality to Interdipendence: healthcare, social welfare and local service's governance in Sicily
Marco Brunod, Sonia Cicero, Barbara Di Tommaso, The Case Management: models and tools integration in social-health
Claudio Calvaruso, Renato Frisanco, The House Of Health: the need for a new welfare
Martina Minguzzi, Mattia Altini, Tiziano Corradori, Oncology Pharmacies Network in the Vasta Romagna Area: the case of Ausl-Ravenna and IRST concerning maintaining service continuity
Giovanni Maria Soro, The Social-Health information System of Ausl Piacenza: the model, the choices and the development course
Fulvio Moirano, How Roles and Professions Change
Nicoletta Pavesi, The health and social care integration, with particular attention to the dimension of professional integration. A research across 12 italian regions
Mauro Serapioni, Sesma Dolores, Pedro Lopes Ferreira, Citizens participation in South European countries health systems: Italy, Portugal and Spain
Giovanni Melli, Participation processes in social and health planning: Emilia Romagna on the spotlight
Alessio Terzi, Participation and protection of rights: a knowledge gap to be filled
Stefano Cecconi, Citizens' participation and the financial crisis.

Contributors: Valerio Alberti, Mattia Altini, Giovanni Bertin, Marco Brunod, Claudio Calvaruso, Stefano Cecconi, Silvia Cervia, Sonia Cicero, Tiziano Corradori, Barbara Di Tommaso, Paolo Di Venti, Luca Fazzi, Pedro Lopes Ferreira, Fosco Foglietta, Renato Frisanco, Davide Galesi, Fausta Martino, Michele Marzulli, Giovanni Melli, Martina Minguzzi, Fulvio Moirano, Mauro Moruzzi, Augusta Nicoli, Nicoletta Pavesi, Vincenza Pellegrino, Mauro Serapioni, Dolores Sesma, Sergio Severino, Giovanni Maria Soro, Alessio Terzi

Serie: Salute e Società

Subjects: Health Sociology

Level: Scholarly Research

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