Right to the City, Performing Arts and Migration

A cura di: Roberta Paltrinieri, Paola Parmiggiani, Pierluigi Musarò, Melissa Moralli

Right to the City, Performing Arts and Migration

What is the role of culture in challenging the narrative structures that characterize the European imaginary on migration? And, specifically, how can performing arts support diversity in European cities? Through different research and curatorial experiences, the volume offers new insights on the ways in which artistic practices build spaces of resistance, forms of subversion, and counter-hegemonic discourses on migration.

Pages: 200

ISBN: 9788835107828

Edition: 1a edizione 2020

Publisher code: 266.1.40

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 200

ISBN: 9788835104698

Edizione:1a edizione 2020

Publisher code: 266.1.40

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Pages: 200

ISBN: 9788835104704

Edizione:1a edizione 2020

Publisher code: 266.1.40

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

What is the role of culture in challenging the narrative structures that characterize the European imaginary on migration? And, specifically, how can performing arts support diversity in European cities? Through different research and curatorial experiences, the volume offers new insights on the ways in which artistic practices build spaces of resistance, forms of subversion, and counter-hegemonic discourses on migration. In particular, it represents a collection of studies, methodologies and artistic practices which explore the role of performing art as a space of participation and alternative citizenship in contemporary cities. Research and artistic experiences that not only open new possibilities for theoretical and methodological reflection, but also enhance the creation of alternative social imaginaries on diversity and spaces of creative coexistence, deconstructing mainstream paternalistic and neocolonial attitudes towards migration.

Roberta Paltrinieri is Full Professor of Sociology at the University of Bologna where she is Scientific Coordinator of DAMSLab and Director of the Ces.co.com (Centre for Advanced Studies on consumption and communication).

Paola Parmiggiani is Full Professor of Sociology at the University of Bologna where she is Director of the Second Cycle Degree Programme (MA) in "Sociology and Social Work". Her main fields of study and research are practices of consumption, social and humanitarian communication.

Pierluigi Musarò is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Bologna. He is Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Research Fellow at the Institute for Public Knowledge (NYU), and at Monash University.

Melissa Moralli, is Research Fellow at the University of Bologna. Her research interests are social innovation, migration and participatory methodologies.

Roberta Paltrinieri, Paola Parmiggiani, Introduction: Right to the City, Performing Arts and Migration
Piersandra Di Matteo,
On Participatory Projects and Urban Dramaturgy
Melissa Moralli,
Action Research in Practice: Towards a Co-Construction between Academics and Artists
Pierluigi Musarò,
Atlas of Inclusion. Performing Arts, Intercultural Dialogue and Audience Development
Kamila Fialkowska, Anna Rosinska, Olga Cojocaru,
On the Migrants or With the Migrants? Art, Academia and Challenges to Participatory Action Research in the Knowledge Production Process
Amanda Da Silva,
"The other and me": Cultural Mediation and Participation of Migrants and Migrant-Origin Citizens in Liège
Giulia Allegrini, Artistic Practices and the Constitution of Public Sphere: An Explorative Inquiry
Marta Pachocka, Magdalena Proczek, Ewa Osuch-Rak,
Design Thinking as a Framework for Identifying , Examining and Addressing Wicked Problems and Challenges Related to Migration
Ruggero Eugeni, Martina Guerinoni, Laura Peja,
An Aesthetics of Engagement. Intercultural Dialogue and Performative Practices in the Territory of Milan
Pietro Floridia, Assemplaces. Assemblaggi spaziali per pratiche partecipate di meticciato artistico

Contributors: Giulia Allegrini, Olga Cojocaru, Amanda Da Silva, Piersandra Di Matteo, Ruggero Eugeni, Kamila Fialkowska, Pietro Floridia, Martina Guerinoni, Ewa Osuch-Rak, Marta Pachocka, Laura Peja, Magdalena Proczek, Anna Rosinska

Serie: Consumo, comunicazione, innovazione

Subjects: Sociology of Cultural Processes

Level: Scholarly Research

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